Lost little lamb

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July 6th, 2014. New York City, NY.

Scarlett's pov:
I woke up feeling exhausted, completely demolished. This pregnancy is finally making me feel like a hippopotamus, and it's not pretty.

Against all odds, I managed to get up and at least wash my face. I then went down to the kitchen to make myself my one cup of coffee I'm allowed to drink, which I'm so glad about because I need my caffeine to be able to live.

Afterwards I noticed it was about to be 12pm and I haven't heard little steps running through the house yet. I went to check Sofí's room upstairs to find her laying across her bed, feet on pillows and her head basically hanging from the edge.

I went to wake her up, gently strocking her hair. She turned, almost falling, and then lay her head on my belly.

Everything was sweet and calm until I heard her sniffle. I got worried because I thought she was crying, but turns out she has a runny nose, and sneezes.

Every single year, two or three times, she gets seasonal allergies, and right now that had to happen. Good thing it gets better with some loratadine.

Since we are both feeling trash, or yucky as Sofí says, we decided that today is a lazy movie day, just the two of us. Glad we didn't have anything to do today because I don't think any of us want to see other people. In this moments I'm so glad I decided to buy a house in Long island far away from the busy city.

Right now we are laying on the couch watching The Croods while eating our delicious and healthy breakfast... cereal, but we added banana so it is nutritious.

Sofí keeps blowing her nose every 5 minutes, which sucks because I don't like knowing she is feeling sick, but there's nothing else I can do.

Sofía's pov:
Mama fell asleep during one of my favorite movies, The Wiz starring Diana Ross.

She looked very tired earlier so I just turn off the TV and lay on her belly for a minute, feeling my baby sibling kicking every once in a while.

Then I decide to get up and find something fun to do. I go to my room and grab one of my book that it's like an activity coloring one. I spend like 15 minutes on that before I get bored and realize I'm getting hungry.

I go down to the kitchen and see the hour, 6:38pm. I think is time to make an early dinner since we just had breakfast and then snacks.

I wanna make something for Mama so she feels better, and Mama loves pasta, so tonights menu for dinner is gonna be pasta with mushrooms and pesto.

I take all the ingredients out and put some water with salt to boil. I get my stool so I can reach the kitchen island and start cutting the mushrooms, careful to not cut myself.

When I notice the water is billing and trow some pasta in there, almost spilling the entire bag, but I manage to prevent that.

In a pan, I put some oil, then some garlic, and finally the mushrooms with some salt and pepper. I stir them so they cook but they don't burn, and when those are done I add some heavy cream, cheese and the pesto.

Then when the pasta is done, I add it to the pan. Mix all togheter very well and it's done. I hope Mama likes it, besides I didn't burn anything, not the food and not myself, which has happened before.

Scarlett's pov:
I wake up to the smell of something garlicky, which takes me a bit to realize that it's real and I'm not imagining it.
Sofía is no longer laying next to me, so she must be the one in the kitchen, obviously.

I get up stretching myself and I slowly walk to the kitchen. There I see my daughter trying to perfectly put some delicious looking pasta in the plate. I'm about to go help her, but she looks so focused and is doing an amazing job at it, so I let her finish by herself.

Then she turns and sees me and gets scared.
~Mama! I was just about to wake you up~ she says with a pout.
~I'm sorry, the smell of your delicious dish woke me up~ I tell taking two glasses out of the cabinet and bringing them to the table.
~I made pesto pasta with mushrooms for you, so you feel better~ she happily says bringing one of the plates.
~You did this for me?~ I say getting teary. Freaking hormones.
~Mhm. And I didn't burn myself!~ she says with such pride.

We sit and have dinner, chatting about every single little thing and question that crosses the mind of my amazing daughter. I don't know what I did to deserve her. Something amazing that's for sure.

Afterwards we decide to go to bed, mine to be specific, but not with Sofía picking up a book from her room first.

It's a new one she got not so long ago, but she so many books she has not read this one. It's a short story so I'm sure we can finish it tonight.
It's the story about a baby lamb, that got lost after a big storm. It tells how she managed to solve the problems she had to face, so worse then others.

Sofía decides that today I'm the one doing the reading, so she adjustes herself and gives me a thumbs up to know I can start.

We learn that the baby lamb, called Sally, not only got lost, but got completly separated from her family. She has to scape from falling rocks and learn how to find food so she doesn't get hungry.
At the end, out of nowhere she bumps against another lamb, this one way bigger then her. She is about to run away, until she hear the voice of her parents. She is now home.

~Sally reminds me of someone~ I say.
~Really? Of who?~ Sofí asks.
~Of my wormy~ I say putting the book away.
~Me?~ she asks confused.
She keeps quiet for a minute, trying to think and figure out the why.

~I was a lost little lamb. Until you found me, and then I finally got a home. That's why isn't it?~ she excitedly says.
~That's exactly why. And I'm the happiest because of it~ I say grabbing her and hugging her, close to my body.
~I'm also happy that you found me Mama~
~I love you my lost little lamb~
~I love you Mama~

We stay in a comfort silence. Both of us in our own world. That until another questions comes out of Sofí's mouth.

~Do Romain and you know what my sibling is gonna be called?~
~Mmm... I mean we have some names in thought but nothing has being decided yet. Why? Do you have any suggestions?~
~I do. If it's a boy, I like Ramses. And if it's a girl, Rose~
~Why does names? And why both with R?~
~No idea, but those are the two I've had stuck in my mind since last week~
~I like them. Rose... sounds pretty~


After days of saying I'm gonna write, I finally did lol.

I thought of this idea at 2am when I was about to fall alseep and had to write it instantly otherwise I would've forgot it. Glad I didn't because I really liked how it turned out.

We don't know the actual meaning of Scarlett's lamb tattoo, or if it even has a meaning, so for this story I wanted to give it one. Hope you liked it.

Stay safe <3

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