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April 29th, 2010. Thursday. New York City, NY.

Scarlett's pov:
I wake up and see Sofía curled up in a little ball. She slept the entire night so I guess she was feeling better. I got up to go to the kitchen to make myself some coffee only to find my mom already making it. We say goodmorning and just sit at the table to talk. 
After 10 or 15 minutes we see a sleepy girl walking towards us. She comes straight to me and puts her hands out singnaling for me to pick her up, so I do, and she just snuggles into me.

~Hi sleepy head~ my mom says while moving some of Sofí's hair out of her face.
~Do you guys want some breakfast? Maybe I can make some eggs with bacon~ she says while thinking about what she might have on the fridge.
~I would like some eggs with bacon, how bout you baby?~

~Mhm... sunny side up? Please?~ Sofí says in avery low voice.
~Sure bay, let's go~

Sofía ate everything we put on her plate, which tells me her tummy is feeling fine, but I still don't take her to school in case of anything. After we had breakfast, my mom left to buy some things she needs for something, and Sofía and I just stayed in the couch, watching tv. We are watching a tv show about animals in the national geographic channel, Sofía has barely blincked from how focus she is on watching all the different animals that appear.

I want to ask her how she feels, not physically but emotionally, tho I don't know if she will either understand or want to truthfully talk to me.

~Hey Sof, can we have a chat?~ she turns to me and I can see fear in her eyes.
~You did nothing wrong baby, don't worry. I just want to know how you are~

~My tummy doesn't hurt anymore~

~Haha I'm glad for that, but I mean how are you emotionally, are you happy or sad or what are you feeling?~ she made her thinking face, very cute, and thought for a couple of minutes before answering.
~I think I'm happy~ she says while tilting her head. ~But I wanna stay with and don't want to go to school tomorrow~

~I wanna stay with you as well but you know you have to go to school, you already missed two days, can't miss more. Is there a reason you don't want to go?~

This girl loves learning, everytime I see her she tells me about some weird fact or tells me that she learned how to multiply with the help of a book she found at the library and she is 6, I'm 25 and I can barely do that, so I really don't know why she doesn't want to go.
~Mhm... I... they mean~ she tells me while snuggling into me and burying her face.
What does she mean by 'they mean'?
~Is someone being mean to you Sofía?~ she just nods her head.
Who is daring to be mean to my baby girl?
~Baby who is it? And how exactly are they being mean to you?~

She stays quiet for a good 3 minutes, and I just wait, I do not want to pressure her to do or say anything, I want her to be comfortable and to have the trust to tell me anything she wants to.
~Older boy, he say mean things, puts gum on hair~ I've notice that when Sofía is sad of being clingy she speaks more baby like, she says less words and not actual full sentences, so I it's maybe gonna be hard to get more information.
I grab her face carefuly and lift it so I can look at her beautiful hazel eyes.
~What mean stuff does he says?~ I have an idea of what could be but I want her to tell me.
~He says... mhm... my hair and my fre-freckles and... and foster home~

So she is getting bullied for something that is not her fault at all, gosh people can be mean for no reason.
~Sofía I need you to listen very carefuly. Whatever he says to about your hair, your freckles or your skin is, one, not true cause you are very beautiful smart girl, and, two, is not your fault, never feel like it is. The same goes for what he says about foster home or you not having parents, cause I bet he says stuff about that as well, none of it is your fault, you did nothing wrong, the adults that decided to not be there for you made their choice but it's not your fault, it will never be. Please understand this, besides you now have a mama, you have me, and I will never ever leave you alone and will always protect you from everything! Okay?~ by this point I was sniffling, a mix of happy, sad, angry tears.

~Y-es mama, th-thank you~ she says also starting to cry.
~I love you a lot mama~ she says giving a kiss in the cheek.
~I love you too my baby, very very much~ I give her a kiss on the nose and she giggles.
After some minutes of just nice silence and cuddles, I speak.
~I can talk to your school you know? Well I don't know if I can but if I talk to Ms. Edith maybe she can. Your foster parent is the one supposed to do it but we both know he won't. Ugh I can't wait to take you out of there~

~Take me out?~ she says giving me a confused look.
~Oh! Ummm... well I have been thinking for quite some time to... um... to take you out of the system, but... only if you'd like to and when you are ready of course, I just want you to be happy~ I'm so nervous of what she is gonna say next.
~You mean... live with you? Actually live with you?~
Y-es, but I mean it more as in permanently taking you out of it, like in... adopting you

~Adopting me? You-you would do that?~ she asks with tears starting to form.
~Of course I would, I love you more than anything in the world my sweet girl, and I want to spend my life with you by my side. Make every adventure you want to have real. And if you let me, I want to be able to legaly call you my daughter. I love you wormy, I truly mean it

I want to make her life the best it can be, she deserves it.
~YES, YES, YES!~ she says as she jumps on me and hugs me way to hard making me fall from the couch with her, but we just laugh.
~Hahaha! Then I promise to start calling people and finding out exactly what we need to do to make it happen okay? I will try to make it as fast as possible~
Yes, thank you, and mama?~


~I'm getting hungry, can we eat pasta?~

~You are definetly not feeling yucky anymore if you are back to your hungry self~ I say tickiling her.
~I'll call my mom to let her know we are going out for lunch, for now let's get a shower and let's get you ready, come on hungry girl~

And we left to get ready.

Lunch went great. Sofía was extremely chaty and happy, which maked my mom and I happy. I don't even know what's all she talked about, but a lot of it has to do with her books, that I know. I swaer this girl will end up filling the apparment with books once she moves in, which we are both super excited about.
I emailed my lawyer telling him everything, and he said he was happy for us and that he will transfer me to the best adoption lawyer he knows so everything goes according to plan.

I took Sofí back to her apparment after we had dinner and she was not so happy about it, but after I told her I'll be seen her again next tuesday and that I'll call Ms. Edith first thing tomorrow about the bully situation she felt better.
I'm going back to LA tomorrow morning to finish with press, to say I'll be exhausted by the end of week is an understatement.

Hoping this entire process doesn't ger more stressful than I think it will.

Hi friends!

This is such a simple chapter but I love it so much, hope you do as well :)

What you think will happen next?

Stay safe and healthy <3

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