7 years old

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June 23th, 2010. Wednesday. New York City, NY.

Scarlett's pov:
The last week and a half has been... emotional. Both Sofía and I have had our crying moments, hers due to nightmares (mostly) and mine just for stress and being generally overwhelmed. Just fun stuff. But we are getting better each day.
There have been quite some good news tho. Sofía went to therapy last thursday, and Dr. Diana determined it was best for her to just finish this school year at home, that even if it was just one more week, it could cause a lot more trauma that it already has; so she wrote a letter and sent it to the adoption people for approval, and it got approved, cause is what's best for the kid. So Sofía has being the happiest about it, and that makes me happy and brings me peace as well.

Tomorrow is a very special day. My little girl is turning 7 years old! 
I know we've only known each other for less then half a year, but she grown up so much in every single way during this time, I'm proud of her.
She is very excited about it as well but she did got kinda mad at us for not telling her what we planned, but that's the point of a surprise, her not knowing about it. 

Hope everything goes amazing and she has the greatest day ever.

June 24th, 2010. Thursday. New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
It's today! It's today!

I run to Mama's room and jump on the bed to wake her up.
~Mama I'm 7! Wake up Mama, wake up! It's my birthday!
~I'm up, I'm up~ she says barely opening her eyes. I lay beside her.

~Mama, I'm seven years old now~ I say whispering very close to her face.

~Ugh my baby is so grown up now!~ she says suddenly hugging me and squishing me.
~Happy birthday my wormy! I love you so so soooo much!~ she says while filling my face with kisses and then she starts tickling me.

~Mama stop! No! Hahaha, stop! It tickles!~ I say laughing and giggling. I'm extremely ticklish and she knows it.

~Okay, okay. So what does the princess want for breakfast on this super duper special day? Maybe some eggs or waffles, maybe pancakes... or what do you want?~

~Mhm... waffles and pancakes!~

~You want both?~

~Yes! I want a tower of a waffle, then a pancake, then another waffle and another pancake and...~

~Okay that's a lot waffles and pancakes, but you can have that, we can add a few fruits or nutella or peanut butter as well. Want to maybe help me make it?~

~Yes! Now get up mama!~

~Can't we stay cuddling for just a little longer?~ she says closing her eyes and hugging me more.

~Nop, get up, I'm hungry~ I say sitting on top of her.

~You win, let's go~

We make breakfast and I make a tower of two pancakes and two waffles, I put nutella on them and some blueberries and banana as well. Mama has some waffles as well.
I'm about to start devouring my food when I get stopped by Mama putting seven purple candles on top of them.
~Make a wish baby~ she tells me while lighting them up.
I close my eyes and think very very hard. I blow the candles making my wish.
~Happy birthday my special girl, now eat your birthday breakfast. Are you eating it all by the way?~

~Mhm, I am, all of it, and Mama, can I have this for breakfast every year for my birthday?~ I ask while taking a big bite of one of the waffles.

SofíaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang