
735 26 8

February 7th, 2011. Monday. Los Angeles, California.

Scarlett's pov:
We've had a very productive morning today, did lots of scenes and now we are having lunch. Sofía is sitting next to me quietly eating, she is really enjoying her roasted veggies, I'm so glad I don't have problems with her eating vegetables; on the other hand I'm very focused on my conversation with Matt, Alan and Ericka.

~Mama~ Sofía says in a scared worried voice while showing me her hand. She got stinged by a bee.
~Oh sweetie, it's okay, don't worry~ I tell her gently holding her hand, that's starting to get a bit swollen.
~I'll go get the medic~ Lara says standing up.
~Mama it hurts~ she says starting to let tears fall.
~I know it does, I know, but breathe baby, you'll be fine~
While I'm holding her in my lap and we are waiting for the medic on set to arrive, I notice she starts to breath different.
~Sofí are you okay? Look at me~
She looks up at me and I see that her lips are starting to get swollen and she is also starting to have trouble breathing.
~Baby is this the first time you get stinged by a bee?~ she nods.
Oh fuck! She is allergic to bees and I didn't know. I guess no one knew cause on her medical record it only says she gets allergies similar to the flu when there's change of seasons.
I'm starting to panic big time but I don't let it show so Sofia doesn't start to panic even more.
~Could someone please call 911? She is having an allergic reaction~ I say loudly. I lay Sofia on her back on the bench and I take my sweter off to put it under her head.
~Baby I need you to stay calm and just focus on breathing okay, can you do that for me?~ I ask while stronking her hair, I know that helps her feels safe.

~Hello, someone was stinged by a bee?~ the medic asks.
~Yes, my daughter, Sofía, but she's having an allergic reaction~
~Okay, have you already called 911?~
~Yeah, I just did~ Matt answers.
~Hi sweetie, I'm gonna ask you a few questions, just answer moving your head or with your other hand okay? Don't talk~
Sofía says yes with her little finger and starts trying to breath, but with each second that passes it gets harder to.
~Sofía does your to tongue feels swollen, it feels bigger than usual?~ Sofia nods.
~Do you feel a lump in you throat? Right here~ the medic points to a part of Sofía throat, and Sofí nods.
She asks this questions fast bit calmly, while also checking my daughter's heart rate and her pulse, as well as then checking her throat as much as she can. I keep strocking her hair and keep trying to not let her see the fear in my eyes.
~Sofía I want you to listen carefully, this right here is an epi-pen, it will slow down the allergic effect a bit, so you have enoght time to get to the hospital; it has a little needle on it and I will push this in your leg, you won't see it and it doesn't hurt~
Sofía hates needles but I know she wants to feel better so she just looks up at me to not have to see the epi-pen. The medic pushes it and Sofía let's a little whimper out and more tears fall from her eyes; and even more come out when the medic removes the sting out of her hand.
A minutes passes by and Sofía keeps barely breathing but it hasn't got worse.

We start hearing the ambulance and the paramedics rush out of it with the stretcher. One of them talks with the set medic and the other helps lift Sofía and then laying her on the stretcher. I grab my phone from the table and like six people say something to me but I didn't really hear them.
We get into the ambulance and a paramedic starts asking me general info of Sofía like her name, age, weight, height and if she is allergic to anything else; as well as getting my name; the other paramedic keeps checking on Sofía and puts an oxygen masks on her face.
I text my family letting them know what's happening and I text my lawyer in case I need a document of Sofí's or something, just in case of anything. I text one of my very food friends, she is the first one I thought of that I know for a fact is in LA right now.

We arrive to the hospital and Sofia is placed in the ER, the doctors come to us and start attending her.
I hear them say things I don't fully understand, but they are checking pulse, heart rate and everything else again; what I do understand is that Sofía's throat keeps swelling and closing and they'll have to administrate antihistamines via IV, which I know she's not going to like.

A couple minutes pass by and Sofia is just not improving which causes me to panic more and small tears leave my eyes. Her breathing is still not stable and the swelling of both throat and lips is not disappearing either.
~Ma'am, she is not responding to the medication, we are gonna move you to a more private room and we'll probably have to intubate~ the doctor says and they start moving Sofía.

I stay there, kinda frozen on the place, until I react and start following them.

Sorry for the late update, I had a very busy day.

This chapter is based on my irrational fear of "what if a bee stings me and I end up being allergic?"
So I hope you enjoyed it hahaha.

Stay safe <3

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