Summer trip

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August 3rd, 2010. Tuesday. Sicily, Italy.

Sofía's pov:
I'm in another country! 

Mama told me like three or four days ago that we were going on a trip...out of the united states! She said she had been planing it for a while but it was a surprise. When she told me about it during dinner time she also gifted me a camera so I can take photos of everything I like and that way keep it forever.
The plane here was sooo long, the screen in front of me said it was about 9 hours long and that's way too long for me to stay in the same place, but at least we got to watch movies.

We are in a country called Italy, in the continent Europe. The flag of the country is very similar to flag of Mexico, but Mexico has an eagler eating a snake on the center of their flag. The people here speak italian, and I understand nothing, but neither does Mama so it's fine; it does sound pretty tho, maybe I can learn italian after I learn spanish.

~Ready to go?~ Mama ask putting her sunglasses on.
Today we decided we are going to explore the town, see what we can find.
~You sure? Nothing is missing?~
~No, nothing~
~The I guess today you decided to wer you inviseble shoes right?~
~Oh... I can't find my shoes~
~Have you looked right over there were I left them so you could find them~ she says pointing at my shoes that are next to the wardrobe.
~Those were not there two minutes ago~
~Haha just put your shoes on so we can leave~


The streets of this town look old, but in a good way, they are very pretty but they are definently different from the ones in New York. Most of the buildings have tons of little balconies, just like our room at the hotel. The streets are also not that wide, maybe that's why people use a lot of motorbikes and little cars, and not big ones like in the states. We already had breakfast, but when we pass by this little pastry shop we decide to buy cornetti, that we were told are the italian croissants. It was delicious, very fleaky.

We keet wlking along the colorful streets filled with little shops when of them catches my eye. This shop is colorful as well, but way more then the other ones. I start walking to it but I'm grabbing Mama's hand so I drag her along with me. The place is filled with pottery, I can see a lot plates and mug on display.
~I can tell you are excited but please remember to not touch, this is all made of ceramic and can easily break, and we don't want any kind of accidents happening okay?~
~Yes Mama... look!
One of the walls had a lot of this painted plates that almost looked like paintings on a museum. Right next to them, I see this funny looking sun's that have faces, all of different colors. I just keep staring at them.
~Ciao, can I help you with anything?~
~Ciao, I'm not sure, Sofí do you like anything?~
I'm so mesmerized by one of the sun that I don't give them an answer.
~I think she likes this one, don't you?~ the guy says with his italian accent while grabbing the blue sun that to me looks more like the moon.
~It very pretty~ I kinda whisper.
~Give it a closer look and if you really like it it's yours~
The ceramic is very shinny and the details on the face of the moon are impresive.
~Mama can we buy it?~
~We can buy it baby~
As we are walking to the register something catches my interest, there are a ton of little ceramic cars, and one of them is red with orange.I want to ask Mama if I can also get this one, so I turn to look at her but she seems to be able to read my mind.
~I know that look. You can get the red car as well, come one, bring it... but carefuly~

A big smile appears in my face as I very very extremely carefully pick up the car and give it to the guy who helped us. Then I not very patiently wait for the three objects to get packed, cause Mama liked a little green plate and also bought it.
~Here you go, safetly packed so they don't break. Have a lovely day you two~
~Thank you, have a nice day as well~


We spent the rest of our day walking a lot. We did have a delicious lunch in front of the Duomo, it's a cathedral, as Mama explained to me, it's amazing to see, everything looks elegant and old.
We then got to the beach but we didn't went inside the water cause we didn't have our swimsuits, but we sat on a bench and ate italian ice cream, gelatto, and it's so good as well! Everything is Italy is beautiful, amazing, delicioues ans spectacular; I love it here!

We arrived back at the hotel at around 6pm, with Mama carrying me on her back because I got to tired, I guess I'm not that good of a walker. We then took a shower and sat on the balcony watching the sunset, it all felt magical.

We are now lying on bed, I'm playing with Marble and Mama is checking work stuff on her laptop. I see her furrow hey eyebrows for the fourth time.

Scarlett's pov:
~Mama are you mad?~ Sofí speaks out of nowhere.
~I'm not mad baby, why do you ask that?~
~You forrowed you brows for the fourth time in a row, like this~ she mimcs what I do sometimes when something bothers me.
~Oh that, I'm not mad, don't worry, is just these people wanting me to respond fsst to their emails, but we are on vacation so i'm not going to do that, I'm just going to lay here and cuddle my sweet little girl who should be sleeping by now~ I say closing my laptop and putting on the bedside table. I pull Sofí closer to me and cuddle her, tracing her little nouse before giving her a kiss on the cheek.
~Now sleep, or tomorrow you won't have ebought energy to swin~
~Okay, night night Mama. I love you~ she says giggling and giving me a little kiss on the nose.
I turn the bedside lamp off and try to fall sleep.

The thruth is that all those emails are from my manager and publicist, all saying the same thing, that people are nonstop asking about who the little girl I've been seen with so many times is. Don't get me wrong, I want to scream out loud that I have a daughter and tell about how smart and beautiful she is, but I don't want to put her out there in the world, she is a kid so she should not be on the public eye, not if she doesn't choose to. I'm trying to figure out wheter I tel my team to confirm the rumors or not. I think I will tell them that, but tell them to just say the rumors are true: Scarlett Johansson has adopted a little girl; and nothing else, not her name, not her age, not her anything, just that she is not some random kid I take with me everywhere I go.

I wonder how many interviews i'm gonna get asked to do. How many interviews I will reject to do.

Hello friends!

So just wanted to let you know I'm most likely not going to post during the weekend since my mom is coming to pick me up from my aunt's house at our hometown and then we are going back to Mexico City, so I won't have time to write, but I'll post again on monday or tuesday.

Anyways today has been kind of a hectic and stressful day for me, so writing just happy things eased my mind. Hope you liked the chapter.

Stay safe! <3

SofíaWhere stories live. Discover now