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April 11th, 2011. Monday. Albuquerque, New México.

Scarlett's pov:
Today is the first day of set for the Avengers movie, and out of all of us the most excited one is Sofía, which doesn't surprise any of us either.
Mostly because, luckily, her chickenpox did went away after a week. The longest week of our life, when somehow we were both in pain. So she is happy she got better before we came here.

A few days ago, we had a party at the Downey's, as a little celebration for the beggining of this adventure. There were ballons and music and all of those shenanigans.
We all basically just talked and laughed and made fun at each other... all of us except Sofía and Evans, and at some point Hemsworth as well.

When we arrived at the party, Sofía instantly went running inside and said hi to everyone and went straight for the food afterwards.
When she heard the door open again she looked to see who had arrived, and when she saw Chris steeping in she ran to him and tackled him.

Since the first time Sofí and Chris met they have been getting closer. He was there on my birthday, and in New years and then we saw him again a couple of times in LA. I would say she started calling him Uncle Chrisy about 4 months ago. Sofia says she loves the fact that he can carry her for a very long time cause he is very very strong, and Chris has told me how much he likes spending time with her as well.

~You ready to see me?~ I ask Sofí before she steps out of the trailer.
She has being talking non-stop about how cool we all must look in our superhero outfits, and we have not let her see them yet.
~Yes! Can I come out?~
~Go ahead!~
She opens the door and her eyes go wide and she gasps loudly.
~So... do I look cool or..?~
~MY MAMA IS A SUPERHERO!~ she screams and comes to hug me, I laugh.
~You have 20 minutes before you next class right? Why don't we go find the rest of the superheros?~
~Yes! I wanna see Uncle Chrisy, and Robert and Jeremy and Hemsworth and everybody!~

Right now everybody should be finished getting ready, so we go straight to the first location. We are starting with a scene were all of us are discussing what to do with the villain of the story, Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston.
We walk for a bit until we start hearing laughs  and Sofía starts running towards the noise.

~SUPERHEROS!~ she screams. She loves screaming, she is very loud.

I finally reach everybody, hearing Sofía giggling while being on Hemsworth's shoulders, as they try to catch Evans.
I go say hi to Cobie, Samuel, Robert and our director Joss, and we just stay there seeing them play around for about 10-15 minutes, then we start actually working, and Sofia goes back to the trailer to continue doing school.

Sofía's pov:
I want school to finish! I want to go back to seeing Mama and all of them being superheros, but first I need to finish math. I like math but right now I don't because I have to finish this two-step world problems I'm doing.

I want to see Uncle Chrisy in his suit. Mama's character is called Black Widow, a black widow is a very poisonous spider that everyone is afraid to, but Mama said her character is a good person so I guess it's just a nickname; and Uncle Chrisy's character is called Captain America.
Uncle Chrisy is very strong, he has very big muscles and he told me is because he had to train a lot to be Captain America.

~Lara I'm done! Can we go see Mama? Pleaaaase. I don't have spanish today or acting. Pleaaaaase~
~You sure you checked in your work?~ she asks.
~Yep, sure. Look~ I show her pointing at the screen of the laptop.
~Let's go see your Mama~

I decide to put on my roller skates cause why not and we make our way to where they are filming.
~Uncle Chrisy~ I say pulling at his hand and whispering because you can't make a single noise when the cameras are rolling.
~Hey little one, you are done with school already? What did you learn?~ he asks picking me up and walking far from where they arr filming.
~Yes, I learned about how plants make they're food. They make it out of the rays of the sun and then they release oxygen so the humans cam breath. And I also did a lot of math problems~
~Wow, you did and learned a lot today, good job Sofí~
~Hey I have to quickly make a call, could you maybe watch her? I'll fast promise~ Lara says.
~Oh yeah, don't worry. Take your time, I don't have to do another scene for like an hour~
Lara says thank you and goes away.

~So your Mama is still shooting a scene, want to do something fun?~
~Like what?~
~I'm not sure, but I'm kinda hungry, let's go to crafty~
I nod and he puts me down so I can skate.

We grab some fruits and snacks and sit at one of the tables.
~Uncle Chrisy?~
~Do you think I'll do good on my auditions?~ I ask shyly.
~Oh I think you'll do amazing Sofí. Are you nervous?~
~A tiny bit. What if they say I'm not good?~
~Then they are dorks, because according to what your mom has told me, you are doing great and your teachers think you are great as well~
I stay in silence looking at my gummy worms.
~Don't doubt yourself Sofía, believe you can do it. We all believe in you, specially your Mama. All you have to do is do your best, if the outcomes are not what you hoped for that is not your fault cause you gave your best. Remember that~
~Thank you Uncle Chrisy~ I say taking him in hug, which he returns.

The rest of that day was spent on watching them film and during breaks me talking about everything and anything that crossed my mind, or someone chasing me or me chasing them. Lara and I also played Candyland and one time she won and the other time I did. This was after I fell roller skating and scraped my knee. I cried for a bit cause either hurt and it stinged but then when the medic cleaned the I juries I was fine, but Mama said it would be best to just sit down and not skate anymore for today.

I'm excited to see what else they film for the movie. Mama said she didn't really want me to see some scenes cause they can be scary or to violent, but I managed to convince her by remembering her that I've already watched movies that are supposed to be for adults, all because of Grandma. Grandma loves movies and she said she would teach me what good cinema is. Some of the movies are... interesting.


Sorry I didn't post yesterday, hope some moments with Uncle Chrisy make up for it :)

It's just the first week of 2nd semester and I already have homework that requires me to read at least two articles.

I will try to post as much as I can, but I don't promise it will be every single day.

Hope you all are having a great weekend 😊
Are you gonna watch the super bowl? I'm not lol.

Stay safe <3

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