Adoption day pt.2

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July 6th, 2010. Tuesday. New York City, NY.

We get to the adoption center.

I start walking holding Sofía's hand as we enter the building. We walk to the front desk and I ask where is office 406, the lady tells me it's on the 2nd floor to right at the end of the hallway.
I don't feel like going up the elvator with so many people, so instead we take th stairs; I do ask Sofía if she is okay with it and she says is fine. I can tell she is still shaken up from earlier, but hopefully that feeling ends soon.

We get close to the office and I see my lawyer waiting for us.
~Hi Scarlett, how are you? This most be the Sofía you are always telling me about, hi~ he says first to me and then to Sofía, who just hides behind my legs but still responds with a little hi, which is surprising.
~Hi, we are both fine, excited to get to this over with~ I respond.

~Well then let's get it over with~

He knocks on the door and a voice tells us to come in. He let's us go in first and I sit on one of the chairs and sit Sofía on my lap.
~Good afternoon~ the adoption worker says.
~Hello, Sofía say hi baby~
~Hi~ she hides her face again right after talking.
~Hello Ms. Tapia. So we've already revised the paperwork about a hundread times, so why don't we make this fast?~ Thomas, my lawyer says taking a sit.
~Yeah, I agree with you. We've already been through all the interviews and I've watched you too interact a couple of times. All the homestudy documents have been aprove as well as all your background checks Ms Johansson. Everything seems to be in order and completly perfect, so the only thing left is to sign the official adoption document~ she tells while looking through all the documents on her desk and passing them to Thomas.
~She is right Scarlett, everything has been approved~
You have no idea of how happy I am right now, I'm not able to hide my smile.
~Really?~ a small voice says. Sofía looks at Thomas and Ms. Tapia and then looks at me.
~Yes baby, really. All I need to do is sign a document and then it's official~ I feel tears starting to form but I push them back trying to not look like a mess.
~Here, all you need to do is give me your signature in this four lines that are marked and then that's it~
She passes the document to my lawyer, who reads it all making sure everything in it is correct. After a minute he gives it to me and just smiles and nods. Sofía has now moved from facing me to facing the desk while sitting mostly on my right leg, so I'm perfectly able to grab the pen and sign since I'm a lefty.

I sign the first three lines and there's just one left. This whole thing feels somehow surreal but at the same time it doesn't, there is just so many things going throught my head, the first time I saw Sofía, the first time she willingly talk to me, the first hug and all the other times she has hugged and cuddled me... the first time she called me Mama. I've always knew I wanted kids at some point, I just didn't know when exactly, and even tho I thought I wouldn't become a mom at this moment of my life, Sofía came and proved me wrong. She is the best thing that could've ever happen to me. I just can't imagine a life without her. Without my sweet girl, my clumsy wormy.

~You ready?~ I ask Sofí before signing the last page.
~Yes, do it now!~ she screams very excited.
~And... done!~ I say giving a huge hug to my, now legaly, daughter, and finally letting some of my tears fall.
~Mama don't cry or I'll cry~ she says wiping my tears with her little tumbs.
~Haha I'm just happy baby, very very happy

~Congratulations to you two. You are now officially mother and daughter. But I'm gonna need one more signature from you~ Ms. Tapia says, gaining a confused look from the little girl.
~Oh yeah, that's true. You wanna know what for Sofía?~ Thomas asks and Sofía nods her head still very confused.
~Here can you read what it says here and here?~ the adoptiong worker points to the title and the first line of the document.
~Official name change, of Sofía Metztli... I'm getting a last name?~ she says looking up to me with tears already falling on her cheeks.
~You are getting a last name baby~ I confirm her, wiping her tears.
~Mama sign it!~ she says thrilled of hearing the news and instantly passes me pen and puts it in my hand, causing all of us to laugh.
~Sofía I would like to announce that you are now officialy Sofía Metztli Johansson, daughter of Scarlett Johansson. Congratulations!~
~Yey!~ Sofí responds trowing her hands up in the air and boncing up and down. ~Mama I'm a Johansson now!~ says grabbing my face with her two hands and then giving me a kiss.
~I know baby, congratulations! Say thank you to Ms. Tapia for all of her help, she help make all of this easier for us~ I say trying to calm her down a bit while also huging her and giving her a kiss and both cheeks.
~Thank you Ms. Tapia. Thank you... I don't know your name~ she tells Thomas, causing yet again to all of us laugh.
~Hahaha! Oh you can just call me Thomas or Tom, whatever you prefer~
~Thank you Thomas~
~You are very much welcome Sofía, I'm glad I could help~
~Well is there's nothing else I can help you with, than I think we are done here~ Ms. Tapia says standing up.
~Thank you so much for everything~ I say.

Sofía entered this building with a zero emotion face and now she is leaving it with the biggest smile I've ever seen and skipping her way to the car. We had a rough start of our day but it's ending the best way it can, just perfect. 

We say goodbye to Thomas and then get inside the car. We both just sit taking in everything that just happened, both letting a big breath out.
~So what does the new Johansson want to eat to celebrate?~

~Mmm... Ice cream and rugelash!~
~Hahaha! And let me guess, you want rugelash from Steinberg's right? All the way in Williamsburg~ I ask knowing damn well what her answer is gonna be, knowing I'm gonna have to drive for at least 40 minutes.
About maybe two weeks ago we found where the bakery Sofía used to spend so much time when she lived at Williamsburg is at, and now she wants me drive there like every two days. And I'm not gonna lie, all they bake there is delicious, but I don't want to drive all the way there three times a week. 
~Okay, we are going to Steinberg's... and only because is a very special day you can also buy some to take home so you can eat tomorrow as well okay?~


I've felt like a mother for quite some time now, I've known I'm a mother for quite some time. But there is something different about it when other people recognize it as well, it feels different, in an extremely good way.
I'm finishing the day with the best gift life could give me. With my sweet girl wrapped in my arms while she reads her favorite book to me. With my daughter giggling and smiling making me do the same.

Being a mother is amazing.


And here is part two of yesterday's chapter. I think it turned out very cute, I'm happy with it.

So I think from now on the like timeline of the story is going to move faster? I don't know if that makes any sense, but instead of every chapter being like two weeks apart is probably gonna be a couple of months apart... or maybe not, idk, I'm probably gonna end up getting carried on and write 700 chapters lol.

But anyways... hope you liked the chapter and hope you are doing great!

Thanks for reading my crazy story that came up one day at 3am after a good mental brakdown haha. 

I aprecciate you all <3

Sofíaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें