Book store and waffles

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March 10th, 2010, Wednesday. New York City, NY.

Scarlet's pov:
I met this amazing, cute little girl a month ago, and since the first moment I saw her crying alone away from all the people I felt this strange need of having to protect her and always make sure she is fine, to love her forever; I don't know where it came from but I'm definetly glad it did.
I found out she is in foster care, after we said goobye that first day, when her social worker, Ms. Edith, told me she found it weird that Sofía spent time with me, because she doesn't trust people after all the many foster homes she being at, that just made me want to protect her even more.
After giving a tought for some days I decided I wanted to be a part of her life, and spending an afternoon with her again definetly proved that, but I'm not gonna rush into things, I know she is still not actually comfortable with me and that will take soe time, but she has already spoken more so that's a good sign. I do not care how long it takes, I can wait, the most important thing is that she is finally happy, and I'm gonna make sure of that.

Today I'm very exhausted, I've been working non stop on the play I'm in right now, "A view form the bridge", we have so many show during the week, and even more on the weekend. It's beenaround two weeks since I last saw Sofía and I haven't been able o see her again, but the good thing is I got the phone number of her apparment so I've been calling her, which is not the best cause most of the times all she says is 'hi', 'yes', 'no' and 'goodbye', but there have been a couple of times when she says some sentences and that makes me very happy, and her small shy voice warms my heart.
I'm 80% sure I'm not gonna be busy the morning of friday, so I'm planning to surprise her since, according to what she told me, she doesn't have school for something teachers related. She loves to read, like loooves to, and she reads extremely well for a 6 yo, so I want to take her to a book store, there she can pick some books that she actually gets to keep for as long as she wants, I bet she'll like that, I hope she does. I will also take her to get breakfast, whatever she likes, last time I picked so now it's her turn, and if we have more time then will figure out what to do. I hooope I can see her on friday. Fingers cross.

March 12th, 2010, Friday. New York City, NY.

Still Scarlett's pov:
Right now it's 8am, I found out yesterday at like 11pm that I do in fact have the morning off, I don't have to be at the teather until 4pm so I can go surprise Sofía, I'm excited, I plan on getting out of the house in around 30-40 minutes, Sofía will already be awake, if I'm not wrong she said (well she didn't said it but she kinda did) that she wakes up early everyday, so I'll pick her up soon, and don't worry, Ms. Edith already knows and she said it's a wonderful idea, so I'm not kidnapping her.

I get to her building and I see a little figure sitting of the fire escape reading a book, I get out of the car and just say/shout 'hey', which she hears and instantly looks at me while giving a big smile. She goes back inside her apparment and a few minutes later she meets me downstairs and says 'hi' back.
~I really missed you Sofía, I'm sorry I was to busy with work, but I have a morning planned just for the two of us, have you had breakfast yet?~ I ask her getting down to her level so we are face to face.
~It's o-okay, and nop

I help her getting inside the car into the booster seat I bought her when I realised how tiny she is compared to the seat or the seatbelt, so safety first.
~Today you are picking what we eat for breakfast, so pick something, what are you craving?~ she thinks for a second before responding, and I notice she scrunches her nose when she is thinking, very cute if I say so.
~Waffles~ she says quietly.
~I know I great place not that far away from here, wanna go there?~ she nods and I start the car and drive to the restaurant.

We get to restaurant, and order or food, we both order waffles, I get mine with chicken and Sofía gets hers with fruit and bacon, it is delicious and we start talking out of nowhere, Sofía actually talks this time which takes me by surprise. She asks what I had done at work this last weeks, which simply was rehearsing and then going on stage, she finds it so cool that I do this and also get payed. I ask about school and all I get is a 'good' and the fact that she got sent to afterschool detention for making her teacher mad, but she says she likes it cause she gets to be one hour on the library. 
We finish, I pay and then we get back to the car; I tell Sofía that I'm taking her somehwere special but I don't tell her exactly where, the entire ride there she looks out the window, I guess trying to figure out where are we going.

I park on the underground of the book store and we walk toward the stairs, when we get to the store Sofía has this look of confusion.
~I know you like to read a lot and that ypu love going to the library, so I thought bringing you here woukd be a good idea. This is a book store, you can go pick as many books as you like, we'll buy them and then you get to keep them, they become yours.

~Mine?... for ever?~ she gives me this look of hope and I nod my head smiling at her.
~Wanna go pick some?~ she nodes and takes my hand. To be honest I never tought buying books to a very shy kid would make them this happy, but here I am, doing just that.

We get to the kids section and she instantly starts looking for something. After about 20 minutes of looking, she decides to get Matilda, The little prince, Where the wild things are, The lorax and a big book about dinosours, that I had to convince her she could get it, that is was perfectly fine. She says she is now the happiest girl ever, like she actually told me thta, with her voice!

We decide to go to the park and to get an ice cream. Afterwards it's time to take her back to her foster home, and I can tell we are both kinda bumped out about it, she doesn't want to leave and I don't want to leave her either, but I have to.

We arrive and I say bye to her on the door of her apparment cause I helped her carry her new books, they are kinda heavy. She tells me goodbye and then the thing I expected the least... she gives me a hug, an actual hug. 

Today has already been one of the best days ever. Sofía makes me so happy and she brings out a side of me I didn't know about. I hope one soon we can spend every single day enjoying each others company, I really hope so.

I wrote this at 2am, so if there's any typo errors I apologize, like I actually searched how to write "excited" cause I couldn't remember how to write it correctly, I need to sleep.

But as always, I hope you liked the chapter and that you are having, or had, a great day.

Stay safe <3

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