Purple cast

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(Throwback in italics)

August 26th, 2011. Friday. Detroit, Michigan.

Scarlett's pov:
We've had some emotional days, to put words to it.

First, it was tuesday.

Chris and I arrived at the hospital just in time to be able to be with Sofía in the moment she got the cast put on, all thanks because surprisingly there was no traffic, so we only did about two hours on the road; and because, not so surprisingly, it took some time for the doctors to actually do something to her foot since it wasn't that urgent compared to others.

~Hi, we are looking for Sofía Johansson, I'm her mother, Scarlett Johansson~ I say to the woman on the front desk of the ER.
~Hi, yeah, she is... in room 14, just at the end of this hallway~
~Thank you~ Chris answers as I start walking towards the room.

As I open the door to room 14, the first person I see is Lara. She looks at me when she hears the door open.
Next thing I see a small figure curled up against Lara's chest, who turn to look at me almost instantly.

~Mama!~ Sofí screams and put her arms put for me.
~My baby~ I go to hug her and hold her very tightly not wanting to let her go.
~Mama I broke my ankle, and it hurt a lot. Look, that's the x-rays, I fractured my talus, see there?~ she says with a little sniff while pointing at the x-rays on the wall, that show a crack on one of the bones.
~I know baby, I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. Does it still hurt a lot?~ I say looking at her ankle that it's wrapped in a bandage, resting on a little pillow.
~It's okay Mama, and it doesn't really hurt anymore, I think they ice they put on it kinda numbed it. Oh hi Uncle Chrissy~ she says right before the doctor comes into the room.

~Good afternoon, you must be Sofía's mother~
~Yes, I am, hi. Is her ankle going to be okay?~
~Yeah it is, all she going to have to do is use the cast for just 4 weeks if she follows or the instructions. After that she is going to need some physical therapy so her ankle regains it strength, because I heard Sofía here does gymnastics right?~ he answered while getting the stuff for the cast out of a cabinet.

While getting the cast on, Sofía went from complaining about having her foot moved to complaining about how cold the cast was, because she got a fiberglass cast. The good thing is she got to pick the color of the cast, she chose purple, so at least she was happy about that.

The next day, Chris went back to Cleveland after midday, but not before taking a power nap after breakfast, because non of us could sleep, cause Sofí couldn't sleep.

She woke up way too many times during the night because her foot hurt, or her foot was cold, or the cast was very uncomfy or any other thing you can think of. All of this causing her to get stressed, desperate and more tired, provoking a lot of crying... a lot.
At some point, around 3 am, the three of us were taking turns to rock her so she would fall alseep, that's how bad it got. And Chris being the strong Uncle Chrissy he is, obviously got a lot of turns.

Then wednesday was spent eating, sleeping and doing whatever that could make Sofí not focus on the cast. We did homework, watched a movie, draw, build some legos and some other stuff. Luckily that night was better and Sofia just woke up a couple of times but was able to fall asleep almost right away, so we all got some sleep.
I think the first night was that hard not only because of the cast, but because of all the emotion Sofi had accumulated.

Yesterday, was... fun.
Sofía woke me up at like 6 am cause her foot was scratchy, but there is no way we can scratch it without causing pain, so she had a meltdown about it. Great way to start your day.

Sofía also wanted to go to set, but Sam said she should have at least 10 days off so she can get used to the cast and the crutches, and just so she can rest, but after that she can go back. As expected Sofía was not mad about this decision but not happy either.

We decided it was a good idea for the three of us to go to Cleveland, that way we are together but I can also go to set, cause I don't think I have any free days left.

Around lunch time we finished packing Lara's and Sofí's bag and we got in the car, without forgetting Mr. Shelly Newton obviously.

Today's is Friday and it has been pretty normal so far, apparently all Sofía needed was a couple of days.

This morning she told me she was sad cause she was not going to able to wear her roller skates and chase people on set, like she just to do on Albuquerque.

That's what my 8 year old who broke her ankle is sad about... not being able to comfortably bother people. I call that great parenting.

And to show more of my great parenting, I'm not exactly sure where my daughter is. I mean, I didn't left her alone, she is with Lara, but I had to go arrange some thing with Joss and Feige, and when I went back to my trailer there was no one in there, but then I found Cobie and she told me she saw Sofí with the boys. Now the questions is where are the boys and what the he'll are they doing?

~Up! Up!~ I hear Sofí say as Cobie and I walk to one of the sets.
When I get there, I see Hemsworth picking up Sofía in a not so safe way.
~Hemsworth! Don't you dare. Put her down~ I say giving them my serious mom face.
~Mama, why?~ Sofí whines.
~Sofía... you broke your ankle three days ago, it hasn't even started to heal yet~
~It's just that I already know how to use the crunches and I got bored Mama~she tells me with puppy eyes.
~Noh, those puppies eyes are not working this time. You have to be more careful okay?~
~Sorry Mama~
~And you... you are supposed to be a grown man Chris~ I say punching him, causing Sofía and everybody else in the room to laugh.
~None of you were stoping him, so shut up~ and everybody goes quiet.

I like being the scary Mama bear on set.


I need your opinion :)
I really want to buy either a new pair of converse or some pants, but I also want to save money.

What should I do? What seems like the best option hahaha?

I'm thinking the chapter to be about Halloween, cause I already have an idea of what the costumes are going to be, so expect that soon.

Hope you like the chapter :)

Stay safe <3

SofíaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin