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May 27th, 2010. Thursday. New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:
I just came back from lunch with Mama. I barely talked. I mean I did talk, but only to Mama when the other lady got up the table to answer a call. I didn't feel comfortable with that woman, she felt weird, I didn't like it.
I got picked up by the two of them, no thanks. We went to a japanese restaurant. I love sushi and Mama knows it. The lady didn't ask anything or say anything but 'excuse me's' and 'okay's', I don't even know why she was there if that's all she was gonna do, I asked Mama and she told me the thruth, it's so I don't get kidnaped by her; they are watching Mama cause they think she can do harm to me, but Mama would never ever do that, she is nice.
That's all that happened, nothing to exciting but being able to get cuddles and kisses.

Tomorrow I'm seing a psy... psychologist! I got explained that it's a woman who is very nice, and her job is to make sure I'm actually happy and that I want to be with Mama and live with her. I'm actually not that nervous about it and Ibelieve I will talk to her. 
Mama told me she also goes to one and that it really helps her to clear her mind and feel better, happier.

May 28th, 2010. Friday. New York City, NY.

I've been sitting without saying a single word for a couple of minutes now, since the door got closed and the only people in the room is Dr. Diana and I.

~Sofía, I know this can be weird and unusual to you, it's something new, so why don't we start with you telling me what you learned at school this week? One thing you remember~ she says.
~Mhm... I... I learned that there are 6 continents and there are 5 oceans in the world... I already knew about the continents tho~ I say not looking at the Dr.
~You already knew? Wow I was told you are smart but didn't know that smart, you learn a lot at school?~ she says while standing up and getting close to one of her bookshelfs.
~I think I learn more from books, there are books for everything~ I say finally looking up.
~So you are one of my kind, you like to read, what's your favorite thig to read about? I like reading about adventures and fantasy~
~I like... reading about animals and spanish~
~Well I have a very pretty coloring book abut marine animals, would you like to color something?~
~Mhm, yes... does it have a turtle?~ she is very nice and makes me feel comfortable.
~I'm sure you can find a turtle in here, come let sit on the floor and color together~

We do just that and I'm able to find an image that has 3 different turtles, I start to color the water first.
~You like reading about animals and I get that cause they're awesome, but why do you like reading about... spanish you said?~
~Because...~ should I talk or not? Should I tell her? ~ Because of the letter~
~The letter, what does the letter say? That you have the superpower to learn a new language or something like that?~
~It doesn't say that. It says... that... I'm-I'm mexican. In Mexico they speak spanish, a book taught me that, so I should know spanish as well
~Oh that sounds cool! So the letter simply says you are mexican, and since when do you know this? Or who told you?~
~It says that my bio-bi...biological mom is from Mexico and she left me here to have a good life, but I think she was wrong about it, just a little. I now have Mama but before I didn't. I found the letter on Ms. Edith's desk when I was 5 years old and she let me read it, and then she let me keep it~
~You think your biological mom made a mistake? Do you like your biological mom?~

I stay quiet for a couple of minutes while thinking of what to answer. In no moment do I take my eyes of the drawing.
~I was sad and angry first, I remember I cried a lot, but that was a long time ago and I know she is not coming back for me, I don't think she made a mistake anymore, I think I had to find Mama and she knew that and that's why my biological mom left me alone~
~I'm glad you feel like that Sofía, you are a very smart girl. Can I ask you something else?~
~By any chance does the letter say anything about a biological dad?~
~Mmm... just that he was tall and black and had curly hair, Isabel didn't write more~
~That's her name, it's pretty~
~It is. Did she pick your names Sofía? I have trouble trying to pronounce your middle name by the way~
~The letter says she did, and you pronounce it Met-z-t-li, Metztli, it means moon in Nahuatl, it's a dia-dialect from mexico. I found a book about it in the library. I like my names but I want a last name as well... everybody else has one~ I keep talking without looking up, just at the coloring book.

That's something I get bullied for as well, it is not fun.

~That is definetly a very unique and pretty name, and I'm sure you'll get your last name soon, is there anyone that bothers you or makes fun of you cause you don't have a last name?~

I nod my head.
~One day we learned about different documents, one was a birth certificate, and I couldn't finish filling up mine cause I had nothing to write, everybody made fun of me, and Elliot heard about it as well~
~Is Elliot from school or from your foster home?~
~From school, he is in fourth grade~
~Have you said anything to Elliot about how you feel of him making fun of you?~
~No, he never gives me a chance to talk, and I know he knows is wrong, he has been told is not okay~

She proceeds to ask when and I tell her about the chat with the principal and how it solved nothing.
~You should talk to your principal again and tell him that the problem keeps existing so he does something else then just talk to you two, I bet there is a way you can make it stop and solve it, there is always a way. Tell Ms. Edith and Scarlett as well when you talk to them, I'm sure they can help in some way, or another. But changing subjects a little bit, could you tell me 5 things you like about Scarlett?~
~Yes! I like... that she cuddles me, she cooks with me, she helps me sleep after a nightmare, she is very funny and weird like me and... she let's me pick books I like and then she buys them so I can keep them... oh and she also asks me my opinion for different things. That was 6, sorry~
~Don't worry, all those thing sound great, she sounds like a nice person~
~She is, she is the best Mama ever! And I finished my drawing, did you know there are turtles that are color black? Leatherback turtles!~
~I did not know about those turtles, thanks for the interesting fact. And I'm sorry to say our time is over for today. I'll see you again next week, is that okay with you?~ she says standing up and getting some scissors, she starts cutting the page that I color.
~Here, so you can take it home~
~Thanks, but I can't go home with Mama yet, I'll take it to the group home with me. I'll see you next week Dr. Diana. I like you, you are nice~

And she opens the door for me to leave, I see Ms. Edith already waiting for me.

I think I like going to the psychologist, Mama was right, it does make you feel better.


I wanted to write this chapter so we can get to know more about Sofía's life? Beggining of life? Idk, but I liked it. Also wanted to show how much Sofía needs Scarlett and how much she has improved with talking to other people thanks to Scar.

There is no drama in this one but there is some on the next chapter.

My little cousin just learned about birth certificates, he is 6, and he had to fill up this format and had to write his parents names, he had three spaces for each part of the name; name, first lastname and second lastname (I'm from Mexico, this is how our names are). And we'll his mom has two names so he got so frustrated because he had no space and I was telling him he could write it there and he kept saying no and I ended getting frustrated and he ended up crying lol.

Hope you liked the chapter and are having/had a great day :)

Stay safe <3

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