After school lunch

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February 23rd, 2010. Tuesday, New York City, NY.

Sofía's pov:

Right now I'm in school and we are almost done with it, the last activity of the day is reading a book from our little 'classroom library', but I already finished reading it cause this books are not that big nor they have a lot of words and the teacher won't let me read another one cause we also have to write what we liked about the class today, and only thing I liked was reading as well as the pb&j sandwich I ate at lunch, I outdid myself today, adding more peanut butter was a good idea. I really want school to finish, cause I'm having lunch, or a late lunch, with Scarlett at 3pm, before she has to go to work, which I still don't know what she does there, I'm curious.
I finish writing my sentences and I give them to the teacher, who reads them and tells me I can go pack my stuff and wait for the bell to ring at 2:30pm, which finally does after an eternity. I run outside as fast as I can before my lovely friends who bother me and say extremely nice stuff to me everyday see me, cause one I they already did that this morning and two I don't want to cry in front of Scarlett, she will start asking questions and I don't want to answer them.

I walk to my foster home very fast, it's only 7 blocks away: a turn to the right, 5 blocks straight, a turn to the left and two more blocks, then you see a grey redish bulding and the apparment 3 at the 2nd floor is where I live, not my home, just where I live. I reach the inside pocket of my backpack searching for the key to open the main door, then I go upstairs and unlock the door of the apparment, hurring to kids room to change my shirt cause it got stained with blue paint during art class, I have to leave it soacking so it doesn't stay stained forever; I put on my red and white long sleeve and take the things I don't need out of my bag, after about 15 minutes I'm ready to leave and Scarlett shouldn't take that long to pick me up.

5 minutes later someone rings the bell and I look out the window, stteping into the fire scape and I see Scarlett, she sees me and waves her handa, I smile. I go downstairs and get into the car with her, she starts asking me about my day.
~How was your day at school Sofía?~ I srug my shoulders and give her a thumbs up and a weak smile.
~I was thinking we could get some italian food, have you ever had italian food?~ I move my head saying no, italian food sounds tasty and a bit fancy.
~Would you like to try it? It's really good~ I nod excited to try something new, I LOOOOVE food, it makes me happy.
Nobody talks for the rest of the ride, but 20 minutes or so later we arrive at a restaurant where someone grabs the car keys and the car somewhere else, this place is fancy and I bet it is for rich people. Is Scarlett rich?

At the table we both get our menus, I get a kids one that has lots of pictures; I was not sure if to order something I actually wanted, the prices are two digits long and that seems expensive, but Scarlett saw my face and told me to order whateer I like, to not worry about the price, so I going for the cheese ravioli with tomato sauce and a lemonade, I point what I want so she can order for me, she gives me a smile and calls the waiter and orders our food, she got a lasagna and water.

~Sofía can I ask you a question? That you have to answer talking~  My first tought is move my head in a 'no' motion, but I actually consider what she said and I decide to nod my head.
~Is nothing bad, don't worry, but I wanted to know, only if you want ot answer, why do you not like talking to other people? Cause Ms. Edith mentioned you talk while you are reading your books, but you don't actually talk to other people.~ One of the many questions I never want to answer, how do I tell her that I don't trust people so why talk to them? Do I just say it?
~I...mhm...I don't talk ca-cause...mhm... I don't trust people~ I said a full sentence, this is not me. 
~I get it, sometimes I also don't trust people or I simply don't want to talk to them, but I jus want to tell you that whenever you are ready tot alk to someone you have me, I'll listen to whatever you have to say, okay?~ I give her a warm smile and nod my head.

Someone caring this much about me is wierd, it hasn't happen since when I was 3 years old, with Ms. Dora, she made me very happy, she is the one who gave me Marble on Christmas that year, but I couln't stay with her longer cause something bad happened, and I still have nightmares about it. I think that's also a reason of why I don't want to trust in anybody else, what if they just suddenly leave?
My thoughts are interrupted by the waiter giving us our food, it looks amazing. I start eating right away and it is in fact delicious. I can be a messy eater sometimes, and I got a lot of sauce all over my face, and Scarlett told me to clean it up but I kept missing some spots.
~Is it okay if I help you clean it?~ I nod and she wipes my right cheek until it's clean. I feel something warm, it's a weird feeling, I don't hate it but I don't know what it is.

On the ride back to my apparment I decide to ask Scarlett a question, I am intriged to know what she does at work.

~Yes Sofía?~

~Your wo-work, mhm... wha-what is it about?~

~Well, it's a bit hard to explain, but I'm whats called an actor, I pretend to be someone else, so I've been in a lot of movies. I have to learn lots of phrases and then say them in front of a camera.~

~...sounds f-fun~ I say looking at my hands.
~It really is. But right now I'm working in a play, on a theater, so instead of saying phrases in front of a camera I say them in front of a lot of people hoping I don't mess up or forget a word.~
Wow!I understood a bit about what her job is, and it sounds really cool and fun, I wish I could talk to people just like that without wanting to run away.

We get to my apparment and we get out of the car, I want to ask Scarlett if I'm gonna see her again soon, I want to but I don't know how to ask her. She seems to be able to read my mind and tells me that she will try to take me out for lunch again or maybe when she has a free day we can spend it together. I hope she can, I really like her.
We say our goodbyes and the rest of the day all I do is read and wash the dishes as well as taking a shower.

I go to bed happy tonight.

Hi! Happy new year's!!!

I still don't know how I manage to write so much about simple moments/events like this haha, but I hope you are liking it.
Also the fact that I've already done more resaerch for this (so I don't mess up dates) than I did for the entire semester at school is crazy.
If you have any suggestions or want to add something to the story feel free to tell me and I'm sure I can added it somewhere.

Stay safe <3

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