✾ᴏᴜʀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴀʙʙᴀ ғᴀɴ✾

Start from the beginning


"Yes....I know that's all you can say. I'll let you in on a deal....when you can really talk, if you tell your mummy you love her before you tell anyone else, i'll buy you....a dog. Although you do already have Padfoot..."

"Pa'foo!" He cheered, moving their joined arms up and down in glee at the mention of his godfather, my heart swelling in size when James chuckled, leaning forward and kissing his forehead,

"You'll tell her first, Prongslet, won't you? She needs to know first, she loves you more than she loves chocolate and even I don't beat that.....she's amazing, you know? Of course you don't, you're fifteen months old, but I'm telling you anyway. Your mum is the absolute best, and I love her very much. I know you love her too which is why you'll say it first to her" He murmured, letting go of one of the hands and pushing his messy dark hair back on his head, before standing up and resting him on his hip, his eyes flickering over to the doorway, before continuing to cook breakfast.

Normally, I would let him know I heard that. That one- I didn't want to. Which is why I moved quickly when he glanced to the doorway so he wouldn't know. I waited a few moments before stepping inside of the room with a tired yawn, making my way over to the stove, my hand grazing his waist from behind as I kissed Harry's head in greeting, the two of them spinning around with wide grins on their faces that made me nearly tear up from how similar they are.


"Good morning, love" The bespectacled boy greeted, smiling whole heartedly when I leaned up to capture his lips, the two of us pausing in the moment, feeling Harry push his head into the sides of ours, his lips pouted against our connected warm cheeks. He wrapped his free arm around my back, bringing me into him, the small bump inbetween us as we turned to the boy, our foreheads still connected,

"He's definitely going to be a fantastic snogger" James claimed, my mouth dropping, reaching around his back to swat him, the boy gasping dramatically, "Did you see that, Prongslet?"

"Don't say stuff like that about our baby. I don't want to think about that" I murmured, dropping my head down against his chest, Harry doing the same, resting his adorable puffy face inches from mine, my hand reaching up to caress his cheek as James sighed softly, dropping his head down against mine, planting a few kisses in my hair.

Yeah. I could do this everyday with him.

"How are our Lunettes?" He questioned quietly, Harry reaching up and pressing his small palm to my cheek like I did to his, making me nearly choke from his adorableness. Who was this baby we have been blessed with?

"They're alright I think, i'm just a bit tired still, that's all..." I mumbled, pretending to bite his little fingers, causing him to squeal, waving his hand around, nearly hitting the both of us in the process,

"A relaxing day then, plenty of naps and rest. Sound good?" He proposed, my head nodding, lifting off his chest and up to him, connecting our lips together gently again, before drawing back, taking Harry out of his arms and placing him in his high chair whilst he continued to make breakfast, "Oh, the ministry closes early on Halloween"

"Yeah?" I murmured throatily, swallowing thickly when he turned around to look at me, nodding his head slowly with a faint smile, "I'll letter Tom later. I suppose our Halloween plans will be moved before or....after. Is that alright with you?"

"I just want you and our babies safe, Elody. We'll have plenty of Halloweens in the future, we can-we can do this, this once" He muttered, placing a cooled waffle in front of Harry with some berries and chocolate milk, before doing the same for us, sitting across from me at the table.

"I know you want to be there to protect me but Harry needs you here, he loves Remus, Sirius and Peter, but they're not his dad" I replied gently, sliding my arm down the table, resting my palm upwards, butterflies erupting in my stomach when he placed his warm palm over mine, holding my hand in the middle of the table,

"I know, Lunes. I trust Reggie and dare I say Tom to look after you, I doubt Dumbledore would ever try to hurt you, he's not that wicked, it's just the crossfire, you know?" He commented, my head nodding fairly when I popped some cut up strawberries into my mouth with my free hand, our eyes flickering over to the boy munching on the fruit before he would his waffle.

James turned back to his wife after looking over at their son, his eyes softening at the way she was admiring him still. It gave him a minute just to observe her. How amazing she was in every single way, beauty, personality and in general, she was perfect. More than perfect. His heart still thumps obnoxiously in his chest like it did in fifth year at Hogwarts when they first started going out, and he wonders if it will always be like that. He hopes so. He hopes to forever have butterflies, to be a blushing, shy mess around her because as much as he hates it, he loves it. He loves the way she makes him feel- still now when they're six years into their relationship, married and have their own family.

He wants to have that sappy, puppy love crush on her when they're old and grey.

"What?" I murmured as soft as a kiss when I glanced back towards James, finding him scanning over my face with parted lips, smoothing his thumb over my three rings continuously, my heart fluttering,

"I love you" He whispered hoarsely, almost choked up, my face softening considerably at his words and expressions, even more so when he lifted our hands up, brushing his lips over my rings without breaking eye contact with me, "So much. I love you so much"

"I love you so much more" I told him honestly, placing my other arm up on the table, taking his other hand into mine, lifting his left hand up and kissing over his wedding band like he did for me, his cheeks warm, "And I feel incredibly loved by you"

"I feel immensely loved by you" He nodded, the both of us flickering our eyes between each other's whilst 'Lay all your love on me' played in the background, our lips tugging upwards into smile, "Don't go wasting your emotion. Lay all your love on me" He sang dramatically with expressive faces, gripping my hands tightly, my head tilting back when I laughed at his goofiness, shaking my head,

"It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily"

We sang together in our seats at the kitchen, Harry bouncing up and down in his hair chair, giggling and clapping at us with a bubbly smile on his face, his lips rimmed with strawberry and blueberry juice, not that he minded,

"Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me"

"I think we have a little Abba on our hands, James" I smirked, nodding my head over to the baby trying desperately to sing the words, ending in a muffled nonsense of sounds, our hearts growing fonder,

"He takes after his mum and dad" He boasted with a crooked grin, winking at me, a chuckle leaving my lips,

"I think we might have to take him to a concert when he's older. Perhaps Queen..."

"Oh I think he'll like that very much, my love"


•2025 words•

A chapter for Melody, James and Harry for once...The young Potters. I've had a writer's block for this book recently as we're coming to the end, and i'm also trying to drag it out as long as possible so it will never end, but you're all patiently waiting and I feel awful for doing it. Anyway, hope you enjoy this little chapter- I know it's not the best one but atleast it's something♡︎❤︎︎♡︎

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