Entry Ten: 2/8

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God, it's so cold! Even in the house I'm shivering!

So, in History today, as usual, I stared at the back of Connor Pride's head. He is seriously so gorgeous. I'm dreaming of us skipping hand in hand through a meadow. As if!

I didn't even know he knew! I thought I was being sneaky! God it was soooo embarrassing when he turned around and asked me to stop. I was like, Oh, ma gah! My cheeks flamed up, but I don't think many people noticed. They were mostly using their phones or out of their seats, thank Gaaaaawd!

But when Connor turned around, we stared into each other's eye for a while, like, three seconds.

Then Connor big head started to get cocky and say that I do it every day and that he can feel my lust for him through the back of my head. Even when he's sleeping! What the fuck? That really embarrassed me. But he hurt me by saying something but even someone with lesbian parents would be a fool not to fall for him. I felt like crying. I knew Connor was a douche but I guess I was blinded by his perfect appearance to notice to what degree.


Good news!

When I left class, I was in a rush to get away from everyone before I started crying and Connor called for me. He apologized for what he said (He better have!). I was just too hurt, though.

Oh, today in Algebra we go back our tests.

Wait, wait, wait. I'm going too fast.

So, guess who's back? Sarah! Yay.

She said he to me class and we even shared some laughs. And she gave me Tutty Fruity gum (I hate it, but I took in anyway. I need to keep our "acquaintanceship" going.) I was like, whoa.

NOW I can tell you about the tests. I got a 96% and Chris got a 92%. We rock.

After class, it was kinda awkward but Sarah apologized for what she did at lunch a millennium ago. I wanted to run and hug her and say it's okay. And thank her for apologizing because now I can be at rest. But I didn't. Of course, my awkward self had to just stand there awkwardly and then waywardly excuse myself. Ugh! I have way too many regrets in my life.

Anyway, Chris just called me and he'll be here in a few. I'm going to his house!!! OMG. First, I make a friend, then, he comes to my empty house, and now I'm going to his? What has the world become? I'm sure Charles would love to hear about this. And so would you, but you'll just have to wait for me to come baaaaaaaaack!!! Eeep!


A/N: I hope you guys liked this! Comment, vote, share, keep reading pleeease!

Come Get it Bae by Pharrell Williams <3

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