Entry Forty Three: 5/11

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     I know I haven't written in a while...I've just been busy with school and life and friends...Wow, never thought I could ever say that. Anyways, sorry again. Finals are coming up and I've seriously been studying for them. I need to get A's, my moms expect that of me. The least I can do is try.

     Oh, yeah. Today is Mother's Day, and Chris called. Which was weird but he wished me a happy Mother's Day... Probably because someday I'll be the mother of his children.

      Okay, no. But probably.

      But he also asked me what he should tell people at school who were asking where I was. What the hell? That threw me completely off guard! What did people care? The only people I was friends with were Sarah and Chris and his brothers and Cayla. Possibly Kevin and maybe Chris' mom. But the people at school hate me. That's why I left! 

     Chris said he'd been telling them that I got sick and was probably not coming back this year since it's almost finished so I just told him to continue with that story. I can see the faces of Joseline and her bitches smiling and flipping their flawless hair at that. But whatever. I'm done trying to impress people. I've learned a lot this year with the help of my moms and Chris and his family, and Nina, and Charles, and God, obviously. Never in my life did I imagine me here. Happy. In my happy place. It doesn't mean things don't get bad. Everybody's life has its ups and downs, but at least now I can face my downs with a better attitude. Wow, being able to say this makes me happy. 

     Anyways, another reason I'm kinda happy is 'cause today is Mother's Day. And I can proudly say, for the first time, that I have two beautiful, loving mothers to celebrate today. Some children don't even have a mother. 


I know, I know....I haven't updated in 12 days!! What's my problem!! Well...laziness, really. lol I traveled last weekend and just got back yesterday (Tuesday) and...yeah, laziness, like I said. Sorry! Also, lack of encouragement. Right now, people aren't really reading this so I feel like it doesn't matter whether I update or not. Because no one will read it!!! Hopefully in the near future, this will get thousands of views and thousands of comments! I wish I were that good of a writer and that popular on wattpad. 

A girl can only wish, right?

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