Entry Thirty Six: 4/2

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While Angie, Jo, Patrick, and Jill went out for pizza, I stayed back and Chris came over. I know they'll be out for long because they're not only going to get pizza. They obviously need alone time to talk about "adult issues".

So Chris came over and we went up to my room. I trust Chris and I love him so I wasn't too afraid. Nervous, yes, but I really trust Chris not to run.

When we entered my room and Chris looked at my posters, he turned red and his eyes widened. He said they were "so hot" and I slapped his shoulder.

Then we cuddle on my bed and I told Chris about me maybe being home schooled. I told him that I want to be but I want to hear what he thinks of it. Chris was being all sweet and said that I should do what I want and that our relationship will become stronger if I am home schooled. He is such a good boyfriend!

I told Chris I was glad he took away my virginity and not some scum bag who only wanted to use me. Chris was like, "Really? What about Connor Pride?" And I was like, "I am so over him".

Chris and I finished the night off having sex and I love it when we have sex. The first time was really awkward and we didn't know what we were doing, but this time we had more of an idea and I actually reached an orgasm. I was so loud and I could be because there was no one home. This time I wasn't afraid to be naked in front of Chris. He said he loves every inch of my body. He should, now that he's literally kissed every inch.

I fell asleep and Chris left. Thinking about us having sex is making me wet, oh God.

Please, forgive me...

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