Entry Seventeen: 2/24

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At Chris' house today I had fun spending time with his family. Cayla immediately greeted with with the cutest hug. I love her, seriously. She always so excited to see me. It's great to finally find people that don't care about my home situation. I can now proudly say I know all their names and the faces to match them. :D

Cayla wanted me to play with these dolls (Why are all dolls on the market skinny and beautiful? They have no fat or imperfections anywhere! So unrealistic! I'm gonna make a chubby, curvy doll one day with pimples and braces. Watch me!) and apparently we're "sisters" now...I don't know. She kind of hard to keep up with. Chris stole me away from her, after a lot of struggle, and we went to his room.

Hold on, I'll brb.

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