Entry Eight: 2/4

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So, today we went to Church. We haven't been to Church in a whiiiile. A few weeks. Oops, it's whatever, really. Angie was talking in the car on our way there about how she wasn't a Catholic until meeting Jo. None of us are really Catholic. We don't do anything I don't even believe.

Anyway, let me tell you to story of how my moms met...

Angie and Jo met ten years ago. Angie was 20 years old and Jo was 23. They met in a restaurant bathroom. Angie was fixing up her makeup and hair. That nightm Jo and Angie were both with their families, coming out to them If you ask me it was stupid to do it in public because it's supposed to be a personal, family moment. But whatever. Angie discribecd the feeling as more-than-like-in-first-sight. She wasn't in love, but she knew Jo was special the moment she layed eyes on her. Jo said she was cute.

Of course, Angie spoke first, telling Jo, A COMPLETE STRANGER, her name. Then jo introduced herself. They say it was like life made them lesbians, sent themt to restaurant and to the bathroom just so they'd be together. Sweet and all, but why couldn't one of them be MALE?

They say they exchanged numbers in the bathroom, and went from there. On their third date they had sex (I didn't need to know that...) and a year later got married and a year after that, adopted me at age 9. Lucky me...!

So, in the car I asked why my moms haven't adopted another child. Angie loves gardening and flowers and all things gentle and caring. Jo is more introverted; not exactly shy but more to herself. She works in construction.

Angie laughed and said it isn't that simple. And Jo said it's expensive and takes a lot of time. I don't know, I get really lonely. But at the same time, I wouldn't want another kid to have the terrible luck I do. Oh, no. God forbid.

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