Entry Thirty Two (same day): 3/11

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Chris drove me home, as he always does, and we talked about him not taking me on a date yet. We've been dating for...two weeks and seven days and he's not taken me on an official date. Sure, I go to his soccer games and I took him to Kevin's concert, but those aren't dates. I know this is cheesy but I want him to take me out somewhere nice-it doesn't have to be fancy or anything. I just want to hold his hand and stare into his eyes and be alone with him out somewhere. We have enough alone time...If you know what I mean...

I sometimes imagine Chris giving me gifts and showing me off to his friends and telling me he loves me. He gives me things but...I don't know. I'm just being stupid and ungrateful. It's a miracle I even have friends, let alone a boyfriend.

Chris said his mom is-Wait, did I write that Chris and I have been dating for two weeks and seven days??? I'm dumb. Three weeks, sorry.

Anyway, Chris said his mom is holding off his allowance for a while because he broke one of her vases and tried to blame it on Campton and Ceaser.

But the car ride was soooo romantic because as Chris drove he sang my song and it was just us two. No one else mattered. I don't know how he could still concentrate enough to drive. If the roles we reversed I would've crashed the car before we even started moving.

OMG, it's late. I gotta go to sleep.


Hey guys. I know it havent' updated for a few days. Please like and comment! I'd appreciate it!! What do you think of Chris? Is he lying to make her happy, or actually being honest? Hm...Let's hope for the latter.

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