Entry Three: 1/19

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Today was pretty boring mainly because I don't have friends. I chatted with Nina on the phone for a while before she said she had to go to her sister's son's fourth birthday party.

I kind of felt left out. Of course, I know Nina is an adult with a life and people in it to take care of. But her and I are good friends. She's literally like an older sister to me. She's not old enough to be my mom, but young enough to be my very much older sister. Maybe an aunt I share everything with. Well, most things.

After talking to Nina, Angie called me downstairs which meant one of three things: wash the dishes, watch AFHV, or garden. None of them seemed appealing to me. I hate gardening. Angie freaking loves to garden. Spring is her favorite time of the year. She'll come home from work and weed or plant new flowers. Our house likes like a freaking maze of flowers. It's beautiful, but at the same time, not good for the summer when bees are everywhere. God, I hate bees! Sometimes I go along with Angie to garden only because I want to spend time with her and want her to not feel bad because Jo doesn't really like gardening either, but most of the time, Angie doesn't bother asking us to garden.

Sometimes, though, when I do garden, I see the kid that lives across the street from us. He doesn't go my school, I don't think, and I've never met him except at Church a couple times. We don't really go anymore so I don't know. He has long black hair, a long nose, long legs...He's also always wearing dark clothes, mainly black. Like, even in summer! Okay, whatever.

Talk to you soon.

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