Entry Forty Six: 5/17

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     I HATE my life.

     Angie and Jo are annoying and made me walk to Church today. It's really not that far, but it took my freaking fifteen minutes! It's so hot out and I was already dressed up. By the time I go to the holy building, I didn't even feel like worshiping anymore! Ugh.

     Angie and Jo preferred enjoying themselves up in their room with the door locked and loud music playing to going to Church today, one day out of the seven day long week, and only for an hour! Angie's car is in the repair shop because...you know...I banged it up a little, practicing parallel parking. And Jo's car was out of gas. Gosh, you'd think she'd be the more rational one.

     So, that isn't really what this is about, but it's still upsetting.

     Christine, Kevin's mom and I had a pleasant chat.

     She thanked me for being Kevin's friend and said that since his sophomore year (when Jennifer killed herself), she hasn't been himself. I understood. Then she apologized for practically bullying me and my moms and oddly, said I looked good. Whatever that meant. 

     But I forgive her. I just came out of Church. Jesus was literally right there, watching, Satan probably down the street. I took Jesus' side, how couldn't I? 

     I hope my mom's go to Church next week.

Catastrophically Carla (Lesbian Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt