Entry Thirty Five: 3/29

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   The most amazing thing happened today!!! In the grocery store today while Patrick and Jill were browsing through the cheese isle, Jo and I kinda stayed back and she talked to me about how she knows its hard for me with everything that's going on: my grandparents and parents not getting along, my parents being two women, Chris' attack... Jo said her and Angie have been thinking of taking me out of school. She said they've been thinking about it since before Chris came into the picture but she said that ever since he did, I've been happier and so they held back with the idea for a while but Chris' attack just reminded them of their goal. She said the bullying has become violent, it seems, and she and Angie don't want me to get hurt.

     I don't know...I'm kind of considering it. I mean, I won't see Chris and the guys that much, but I won't have to see all the people that are mean to me.

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