Entry Fourteen: 2/17

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Have you ever looked around and just wondered why things are the way they are? Like...why does everybody draw the sun yellow, and why are people of African descent called "black". Okay, I get the ladder, but you get what I'm saying. I do this every day, all the time, but mainly about things in my life. I'd look around my room, decorated with teen fandoms and lesbian posters and saying my parents encouraged. They got them for me on my fourteenth birthday, the summer before ninth grade.

Normal teenagers associate their room as a place they can go to forget about the world and just be them and relax. But not me. I'm not normal.

My room used to lesbianified. Not anymore. My grandparents who strongly disapprove of Angie and Jo's decision came over last summer for my sixteenth birthday and helped me completely transform my room. We got rid of my twin sized bed and placed my current, full sized bed. I finally got the desk in my room I'd always wanted. Now I can do my homework sitting upright instead of slouched over on my bed. I don't like doing my homework downstairs because it means socializing with my moms.

Grandma Jill, Angie's mom, got me these really cool, cheap art pieces from Marshals to hang up on my walls. I was so happy tearing down the lesbian posters Angie and Jo got me. They hadn't forced me to hang them up. I felt bad and so I did. I felt bad tearing them down, too. But it's so embarrassing. I'd feel uncomfortable in my own room! It's so much less suffocating now.

Oh, one day when my grandparents and I got home from shopping for my room decorations, all six of them (Angie, Jo, and their parents) got in this really heated argument. I was eavesdropping in the guest bathroom. It made me so sad, it still does because now they don't contact me. I haven't had the guts to call them either. I stayed in that bathroom balling my eyes out because it was terrible. These were the most important people in my life, my moms and their parents fighting over sexuality. Yeah, yeah, it's against the Catholic Church, but that doesn't mean you tell your child to "go to hell" and never talk to her again. What kind of mom or dad does that?

Honestly, I don't want to talk to them because I'm mad. I'm mad at them for being terrible parents and I'm mad at them for being terrible grandparents. Fuck them, fuck my life. I hate everything!


A/N: Hey, guy! What did you think??? I like this entry. Anyway, comment, vote, and keep reading! More to come!

I'm thinking of deleting my book Getting There. I'm not proud of the way it was written since it was two years ago. Anyway, if you have anything to say about it, please let me know!!

South African comedian above. XD

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