Entry Thirty Seven: 4/3

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After home school today, I went over to Kevin's house. He came over and asked if I wanted to go to his house. I was like, uh... The guy gave me a CD of his band's music (which I've listened to and I like) and all of a sudden we're best friends? What?

His mom wasn't home, which was heavenly! Lol heavenly? Who says that? She's so mean, though. So Kevin's house is pretty much like my own. Of course the furniture is different but I had not trouble getting around. I noticed that his house seemed a bit...lonely, I guess. I know it's only him and his mom that live there, but the house lacked the homey feel, the comforting feel, I guess. There were no pictures on the walls of their family or anything. Nothing. I know we have a lot, being that Angie lives for decorating, but still. I found it kind of strange. They did, however, have some gorgeous paintings on the walls and quotes like, "You only live once", "Tomorrow starts today", and bible verses. I also noticed he took out his fake piercings.

I know I was being stereotypical...I expected his room to be full on black and scary and to have metal band posters on the walls and to be really messy. I know, I know...Stereotypes are bad. Like people assuming that just being my parents are gay, I am, too. I am not. It doesn't always happen like that.

Though his room was kind of messy, the walls were a vibrant red that I absolutely love! Oh, my gosh, it was so pretty! You should've seen it!! It wasn't purple but it was gorgeous. He has a really big bed and a huge flat screen and a whole surround sound system and game consoles. He seems like he spends a lot of time in his room, no offense. But, that used to be me. I used to be that kid. I still am that kid, sometimes. He had clothes scattered on the floor, but his CD's and music was neatly placed and arranged in a corner.

"Wow." I gaped, taking in my surroundings.

"I know, I know," Kevin sighed. He began picking up his boxers from the floor and some t-shirts.

"Our rooms have the same structure, but you're is so much better," I tell him.

"Really?" Kevin asked. He pauses from his task of hurriedly cleaning up his room. "It's all the stuff, isn't it?"

"Probably." I nodded. "My room's pretty plain."

"Hm...I expected an interesting girl's room to be interesting, as well."

I swear I turned as red as a tomato.

Does Kevin like me? Oh, my gosh. I have a boyfriend, and now someone else wants to join the picture? Who have I become? Am I really pretty?

Kevin and I awkward stood for a while and then just sat on his bed and talked. I asked him if he ever practiced in his house, though I've never heard them. He said his mom would never allow it and that she is trying to change him. Very quickly, the conversation got deep without me even knowing it. So I picked up that his mom is a control freak that doesn't love Kevin for who he is.

Oh, and Kevin smokes.

It's not that I've never been around someone that smokes, it was just that I have never smoked in my life! I want to live! I want grandchildren, thank you! \

Ugh, Kevin asked me if I wanted a cigarette and I was like, "uh, hell no!" LOL Never. He was smoking and all I could think about was what Chris and my moms would think. Kevin smoked like a fucking pro, okay? Like he'd been smoking since he was six. He blew smoke in my face which made me gag and hack like an eagle, that douche.

"Haven't smoked before?" Kevin asked me, smirking.

I looked down at my hands in my lap.

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