Entry Nine (same day): 2/4

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So, where was I...

So, Church was...okay-er than I thought (that should be a word). Besides me standing or sitting there awkwardly because I forgot half the prayers, it was fine. At least, during the service...

So, Angie, Jo, and I were  about to leave when a group of freaking Church ladies come to us like a pack of wolves-or worse. A pact of popular high school girls.

The "leader", as she would be known as, or Christine, that's good. She smiled a really fake smile and said hey to my moms. She then stated the obvious fact that we hadn't been to Church in a while. I wanted to pull off her head.

Jo, obviously lied and said that Angie was sick and she had to take care of her. Then Christine (who is also my God-damn neighbor) made some sassy comment about how Angie's a grown woman and can wipe her own ass. Does that woman really call her Catholic? Or a Christian at all, for that matter? What the fuck? Yeah, we lied, but they didn't know that so they needed to shut the fuck up!

I said we should leave and that's when Christine started "pitying" me and saying how she feels bad for me and that she couldn't image what I might be going through: pain, teasing, loneliness. That woman has some nerve!

Then Christine's son, the back haired kid from across the street said he had soccer practice and that they really needed to go. I was like "thank Gooood". I felt like crawling under a freaking rock!

Just before Christine left she said these exact words, "You all need some serious Jesus. Not even confession could save y'all". I was like fuck you, bitch! With your small ass and tight jeans, the fuck???

As they were leaving her son looked at me for a moment as if to say he was sorry. I just feel like crying. Partially 'cause I don't want people picking on my moms too, and partially because we do need help. I don't know, maybe I just need help. I'm tired of everything. Do you know how humiliating it was? I'm sure some people heard, more than I probably think because I'm sure some polite people overheard but acted like they didn't. I'm never going back to Church again. It's supposed to be a safe place, and haven, bu it wasn't. Not at all. It was the complete opposite of that.

Damn, I'm crying again.

Catastrophically Carla (Lesbian Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα