Entry Sixteen: 2/22

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So, I went to the yoga place and Nina said she has a date  sometime soon with some guy named Alex she's been friends with through Facebook. Well, they became friends on Facebook then a few months later started video chatting. The way Nina talked about him...Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes lit up. Nina isn't one to rant but she was ranting on about him and I felt so happy for her.

Unfortunately, I invited Nina into my house when she dropped me off. Big mistake.

Angie was in the kitchen so she met Nina first. Jo and Angie know I regularly go to the yoga place and I've mentioned Nina a few times, but they've never actually met her. They were so embarrassing!

At first they just shook hands and greeted each other, and when Nina left, Angie and Jo started talking about how sexy Nina is and how she has a nice ass and perfect curves. It was so horrific! Can't I just have a female friend without them thinking there's something more? I'm not like them and I never want to be.

God, I yelled at them. I said stuff like "why can't you be normal" and "I feel like being that orphan kid again" to them. I was steamed up! Then they tried to say that they didn't know I was going through so much. What the actual fuck? Are they really that oblivious to the world around them? Just the other day some kid wrote "Fuck Homos" in red chalk on our sidewalk in front of our house. Who knows how many people say it before we did!

I yelled "screw you" just now before running up to my room, locking the door, and crying my balls out. I'm still crying. Every thing just hurts so much! I love my moms, I do, but how would my life be if I hadn't met them? Maybe I'd have friends and boyfriends and be going to parties. Maybe I'd have cool clothes, and my own car. Maybe I'd be happy.

Catastrophically Carla (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now