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I'm now sitting on the floor in my allotted room after taking a warm shower. I'm wearing the same dress like yesterday but its colour is different, a little peach with pink crystal bordering at the end of the knee-length.

I ate the breakfast that Chayoung bought for me without showing any tantrums, I want to be on her good side and moreover, it's for my own benefit. No one's going to care if I eat or not.

I've to build a plan today positively as she told me that Merlin has gone on three days' leave because her son is ill. If I could manipulate Chayoung and use her in my escape, then for sure I could save myself from the clutches of my brutal owner. I don't even want to rethink anything he did to me.

He wants me to break into the supremacy of his vengeance and that's where he's wrong, it gives me more competence to formulate my escape, to run far away from him, and his hell.

I sighed after getting up from the cold white floor. This is it Y/N. You have to plan your escape today.

And for that, I need to go outside from this room, to see what's happening outside. This room doesn't have any windows, another thing that my captor is well-prepared of, not giving me any chance to even think of escaping but I will, and it will be in these three days. The day I'll escape from here would be a big fat slap on my captor's face.

I slowly turned the door handle, peeping out from the tiny space, I scanned the narrow corridor. I couldn't see any guards. Good sign. I've noticed that guards hardly come on the first floor, they are mostly guarding the ground floor.

You can do this Y/N.

I tell myself again, getting all the meticulous courage I have inside me. I opened the door completely without even making a squeaking sound. My heart almost stopped beating for a second, my palms sweating. This is way more harder than I thought it to be.

Tiptoeing out of the room, I use the wall behind me to move silently, without leaving any trace to be seen from downstairs. I moved past my room successfully and I released the breath I doesn't know; I was holding till now.

I looked at my left, then at my right, I have no chance to get caught, I have to be extra cautious. Finally, all the crime shows I've watched are paying off. I remember when my mother used to nag me for watching them, she thought as a girl I should focus on fairy tales rather than guns and stuff. Now that I know, fairy tales don't exist in real life. I remember once she almost got a panic attack when I scared her with my fake gun, which was nothing but a lighter.




Shit! I hear faint footsteps from the distance. Panicking, I rushed to the nearest room possible, closing the door behind me. My eyes are tightly shut, my breathing extraordinarily erratic. Why does this feel like I'm crossing the Demilitarized zone?

I hear the footsteps getting louder and louder.

Oh god, just save me this once.

Now, I hear murmurs along with the footsteps. I recognize the voice too well to be mistaken. It's JK.


The faint murmurs now become full-fledged talking, or more like shouting, cutting all strings of hope within me. It felt like you are caught doing something illegal in between.


Fuck. I covered my mouth with my trembling hands, trying to gulp down the ball of fear forming in my throat, my eyelashes becoming wet, even though they are shut. I had failed in my big plan again, same as before, it ended before beginning. I don't know what JK would do with me now but I certainly know that he would not spare me.


My body stiffened under his words, my toes curling with the fear of being leashed out. Should I go outside? Maybe then he could think of sparing me? Giving me a chance to justify myself? To not use me as his rag doll like earlier? 

I turned around to face the door, I'm going to do it, I'm going to follow his orders. I'm sorry Namjoon, I'm hurting your pride once again. I grabbed the door handle, turning it to the right,


I heard his voice again which was then followed by Yumin's laughter.

"You thought you could hide from appa.......huh?" I heard him chuckling as his son giggled more.

My mind became blank for a split second, my body getting numb with mixed feelings of fright and tranquillity. Holding my head, I sat down. Oh god. That was close. It felt like I came back to life after being thrown into a firepit.

"Yumin! Baby, no running on stairs!" He said again as I heard their footsteps fade away. I think they are going downstairs.

I breathed hard to get a hold of myself. I'm safe. I'm fucking safe. I don't have much time. I need to form a plan as soon as possible. I doubt I could live in this hell any longer. If JK would not kill me, then surely, I would die because of a heart attack.

I wiped the tears away from my face. Come on Y/N. You need to do this, for your Namjoon.

I tell myself as I got up from the floor, turning around to see where I'm at. A smile formed on my lips unknowingly as I looked at the compact size bed, a huge picture of Iron man at the back. A white study table at the corner, with a small chair that is half pushed under it. A cute lamp is placed at the side of the table. As I looked around, I could see that all walls are painted with different marvel characters.

I think I'm in Yumin's room.  Something about Yumin feels like home. It makes me think of having my own kids, who will be running throughout the house with their small patters.

My feet move itself and I'm standing near Yumin's bed now. Grabbing his blanket, which is again printed with marvel characters, I sniff it. I don't know why I did it but my heart wanted to feel how Yumin smells. I had this same feeling when I saw him for the first time and wanted to touch his hair, to feel the tenderness of his skin with my own hands.

It's familiar, this scent.

I sniff the blanket again, not believing what my mind is progressing.

I sniff it once more, and yes, it's true.

A/N: Please vote and show your support. Thanks.

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