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My ears popped on descent; I instantly recognized the sound of aircraft and the gentle shake of the big metal. I tried to look around but was only met with darkness. I could feel a blindfold on my eyes. The false hope that maybe I'm seeing a dream in that darkness was much better than the crude reality of my life.

I'd been on the plane only a few weeks before with Namjoon. I wish we haven't taken that flight and flown to Mexico. I wish we could've stayed at home that night, in Canada.

A tear escaped my eye, as my mind travelled into the spheres of beautiful memories we made while exploring the historical buildings there. How we clicked tons of pictures together, eating at different restaurants, then spending the nights in each other's arms. I miss him. My baby.

A sharp bright light invaded my colourful thoughts as someone remove the peaceful blindfold from my eyes.

"So you are awake?" my so-called owner asked as he gently wipe my tears away with his short thumb, "don't waste your precious tears just yet, you have the whole life ahead to mourn."

I yanked my face away from his filthy touch, "don't you dare touch me again without my permission!" I snarled and he smiled. This smile, it irritates me. It makes me feel miserable that I have no authority left over myself, that I was sold as an item to him, to satisfy his animalistic lustful man desires.

"You've got the spirit. It will be fun breaking you. Wait till we land" his face turned into an icy cold expression leaving me and my naivety dumbfounded.

More tears escaped from my eyes knowing that I'll lose my freedom completely once I will place my foot outside this metal's safety. Few weeks ago, I was enjoying my life with Namjoon and now, I couldn't think of anything except my survival.

My heart thumped as the airplane left the clouds, returning to earth. Where was I? I had no idea.

Time ceased as we landed with screeching sounds of the wheels, there it was, the time that I feared the most.

I mentally prepared myself for the worst but I can't be a pathetic girl hidden in the hoods of dark blanket anymore. I will have to fight; I will have to save myself. Now is my only chance.

The cargo doors of the airplane opened, my senses dulled and my mind played the terror-filled images of what my owner told me earlier. The way he was waiting for this moment to make my life desolate, it was burning my insides with certainty, the promise of making my life a Tophet of hell.

My owner gets up first as one of his men wrenched my forearm painfully, dragging me out with him. The slow rustling wind touched my skin with tenderness, it's been weeks since I felt the sunlight hugging my body protectively, giving me a new hope to save my life from my brute buyer.

Swiftly getting out of the airplane, I scanned my surroundings with eagle eyes, cleanly built infrastructure, and a well-maintained private airport. I had no idea where I was but I cannot let this chance go, I've to escape. It's now or never.

The systematic plan forming in my mind was somehow exploded with the possibility of uncountable dangers sensed by my brain. Surrounded by bulgy guards, all armed with guns, I doubt my decision of trying any unplanned stunts.

My instincts tell me that there's no point in running now. I will be caught in minutes. Even if I managed to run, I don't think they will let me go alive. If not kill, they could injure me for sure and that would not be the best option if I want to escape from here soon. 

I've to be rational if I want to take the risk. Maybe I could pretend to build a trustable relationship with my buyer and make him believe that I am not going anywhere, then play my cards when he's totally relaxed about my permanent stay with him.

"Get into the cars" my buyer ordered as more than twenty cars crowded the whole airport like bees, dripping with wealth. Each car had initials scrawled in fancy calligraphy on them, 'JK'

Now that I look back at the airplane, it had the same initials on its tail and wings as well. What does that signify?

As much as I remember my buyer's last name is 'Park,' I heard at the auction when the host bathed me with his wrathful words, 'SOLD TO Mr. PARK' so in no reliability it's his initials.

The doors to a black SUV van opened and my buyer gets inside. As soon as he was seated, he signalled his men to bring me. I know once I'll step inside, I'll have no chance to liberate my freedom, I'll become an imprisoner of my buyer's dark sadistic desires.

"Go on. Get inside" the guard holding me in a chained grip commanded in a deep voice.

I pulled up my right leg to pretend that I was getting inside the van, just when he felt relaxed and loosened his grip on my arm, I hit him where sun never shines. Taking the advantage of the moment, my body flew itself in the air as I ran, leaving everybody else dumbfounded.

My mind stopped working for the fraction of a second, imagining the danger I've put myself into but my instincts to be saved, to be far away from my buyer were much stronger.

"Fuck! Get her now" my buyer shouted from the van as the guards marched right behind me.

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