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Start from the beginning

"You got glasses when you were fifteen months old" Mia informed us, looking at Monty who raised his hands in defence, mumbling something about it being a 'Potter' thing.

"We'll get them checked soon" I decided, trailing my finger over his chubby cheek, James turning his head to the side and pecking my temple a few times.

"As I was asking before these lot did their theatrical appearance. How are you feeling little wolf?" Monty quizzed again, my eyes meeting his crinkled hazel ones, smiling faintly.

"Morning sickness is way worse than when it was Harry and more tired. It definitely feels different, that's why I think it's girls" I told him, glancing down at my stomach, and back up to him, everyone staring at me with the same smiles, "What?"

"I can't bloody believe you're pregnant again" Sirius uttered, cracking a wide grin, "Prongs is eager-"

"Shut up Padfoot" James warned, holding his hands over Harry's ears, bringing him into his chest, Sirius snickering, Remus elbowing him.

"That's my twin, you dog" He reminded, wrinkling his nose up. In truth, Remus was beyond happy to find out his twin was pregnant again- he would be doing full moons alone but that would mean she wasn't in any pain, or suffering and he'd take that any day. He adored his nephew and godson, he couldn't wait for the family to expand again.

"If it is twin girls, what are you going to call them?" Peter inquired, James and I exchanging a glance and shrugging. We hadn't even thought about names yet, i'm not far along at all considering it's August and i'm due in April.

"Please it will be Lillie with an ie and Flower because that seems to be what we're doing now" Regulus retorted, causing us all to burst out laughing, the tousled haired boy rolling his eyes, "Fluffing buffoon is literally copying you. JP, could she be more desperate?"

"I'm taking it as a compliment, because I don't want to think about how creepy it is" James murmured, glancing down to Harry and shivering slightly, "They're going to be in the same year as bloody Jamie Pattinson too..."

"You should call one Pippa. Pippa Potter" Sirius suggested, as I forced a smile, flickering my eyes over to Mia, who mirrored my expression.

"It's like Hattie all over again"

"Hattie Potter sounds good" Monty voiced firmly, causing us all to laugh, Mia sucking in a breath, shaking her head.

"Poppy and Pippa-"

"No. Poppy Potter, Pippa Potter, they'll get bullied" I grumbled, Sirius scoffing, shaking his head to argue with me. James stood up, resting Harry on his hip, beginning to chop him some strawberries into tiny pieces as a snack before dinner, pouring some water into a sippy cup.

"You should go traditional. Luna" Peter opined, "Although Pandora and Xenophilius Lovegood called their girl Luna. They won't be in the same year but they'll be the same"

"Weird weird people"

"People say the same about us though" Remus quipped, as I looked over to James talking quietly to Harry placing him in his high chair, placing his fruit and drink down in front of him, crouching down to his eye level, nodding his head, caressing his cheek before sliding into his stool beside me again, checking him over before turning to me,

"Can I get you anything, love?" He whispered, my heart thumping at how sweet and caring he is, a soft smile gracing my lips as I shook my head, his hand sliding on to my thigh when he pecked my lips quickly, pulling me closer to him, my hand landing on top of his, placing my fingers in between his when he spread his hand out, my head resting down on his shoulder, "He's definitely got his strawberry obsession from you" He hummed, the two of us glancing over to our boy mushing the cut up strawberries in his mouth and chomping.

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘWhere stories live. Discover now