Chapter 47

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How do you fall in love? Harder than a bullet could hit you. How do we fall apart? Faster than a hairpin trigger ~ Bishop Briggs

"Why'd you move her?" I heard a distant voice as if I were a dead body. My vision was blurry, the bumps in the road and the low hum of the car filtering my ears.

"You can't keep her in the basement. Are you crazy? People will start looking for her!"

My limbs felt heavy and my head was throbbing. Wind from the window blew in and out of the car.

Where the hell are they taking me? I thought.

"So? She deserves everything she got. She was with MY boyfriend."

"He's not yours, Jess. This illness you have is going to get us both in trouble. What will your parents think? Oh god, this is bad, I can't believe you. And you let your brother near her?" The familiar voice rambled. I tried my best to listen in but my consciousness was going in and out.

There was a beat of silence before Jessie spoke, "that's her car right there."

The car came to a stop. Sunlight blinded my vision, rays poking my eyes. Two figures stood in front of me, I could make out Jessie's voice. The other one stood directly under the sun, her face clouded by darkness, remaining a mystery to me.

"Shit, her eyes are open."

"I got this," was all I heard before my whole world went black again.

I sat up, as the memory forced itself back into my brain. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "What's wrong," Victor said from beside me.

He sat up, noticing the state I was in. "They stuffed me in the trunk of her car," I choked out.

"They?" he squinted his eyes. He rubbed my back, soothing my nerves a bit.

"Jessie and another girl. They put me in the trunk of their car and drove me to my car. And the creepy guy I told you about? Was her brother," I shook off the gross feeling I got from thinking of him.

"What time is it," I looked around the room.

"It's after nine," Victor checked his phone, the light shining brightly on his face.

I stumbled out of the bed, from under the covers, and turned the lights on. "We should go upstairs, we probably missed dinner. Everyone must be wondering where we are."

I reached for the doorknob, a hand stopped me shortly. "Calm down. Katherine should be closing up the restaurant in a few. My mom also said she would be home late tonight." He said, turning me around.

"What about Cora and Nico? She came in looking for me earlier?"

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled me into his arms. "They can take care of themselves. Don't worry about them. Tell me about the memory you just had, it is more important."

"I don't know, it came to me while I was sleeping."

"And the person that helped her? Can you remember anything about them?"

I looked down at the floor, running through the memory again. The only thing that stuck with me was the girl's voice. I swear I've heard it before. It was scratching the surface of my brain, begging for me to itch deeper.

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