Chapter 43

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Okay, away we go
Only thing we have on is the radio, oh
Let it play, say you gotta leave
But I know you wanna stay ~ Rihanna

"Why are you still up," I mumbled. His fingers ran up and down the leg draped over his torso. His mind was racing a million miles per hour.

I popped an eye open, he looked up, lost in his own head. "Victor," I whispered.

"Yeah?" his gruff voice says.

"What are you thinking about?" The clock across the bed read five in the morning. I rolled my eyes it being only one hour till we have to get up.

He blew out a breath, "everything and anything."

I nodded. "You should get some sleep, we get up in an hour." I nudged him. I would dive deeper into his ocean of thought but at the moment he looks exhausted.

He turned his head, "not tired." The bags under his eyes telling me otherwise. I wonder what goes on in that genius's mind, honestly. I can't imagine myself breezing through school like he does. As for his life problems it's not so simple, one thing I don't envy.

He poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, his eyes flickering from one side to the other. I cocked my head, studying him momentarily.

"What do you think happened to his face?"

"I heard he got in a bar fight last night?"

"A bar fight? Nah not his scene. Plus when has anyone ever seen him fight?"

"Maybe his girlfriend is a little on the coo-koo side."

"You think she did that? She did seem kind of obsessed with him freshman year... I wouldn't doubt the theory."

I slammed my locker door shut, the same two kids from my art class jumped. They turned to me, faces ghostly pale. I raised an eyebrow, "you think I did that?"

The girl with short dark hair hit the guy on his chest. "You idiot, you talk too loud."

He scowled, pushing his glasses up, "don't blame me, you were the one agreeing with me. You're just as guilty."

"Yeah well your mouth could replace a microphone being how loud it is."

"Says the girl who's recording of their moaning to Ryan Strokes got out. I think it's safe for all of us to say your voice over powers mine in that category," he crossed his arms.

She gasped, her face turning red, "you little-"

"Hey!" I barked, interrupting the two. "Argue on you own time and stop gossiping about Victor and I. Or at least check to see if your subject is in hearing range first," I scoffed.

"Dummies," I muttered walking away. "Oh," I turned back, "and no I didn't hurt Victor, I'm not a bitch." With that I strode away, leaving the two sophomores to soak in their own embarrassment.

"Ow," I rubbed my head. Jessie stood in front of me, an scowl on her face. What the hell is her forehead made of, metal?

"Is it true?" She asked. My eyebrows creased inwards, her usual calm eyes had a dull fire set ablaze.

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