Chapter 29

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I want my baby to have your eyes, I'm going against my own advice ~ Bryson Tiller (cover)

"Victor," I pop my head out the door. The oblique wood shielded my nudeness.

He looked up from his phone, his eyebrows furrowing, "what?"

I look down at the ground, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes right now. "I forgot my clothes," I mumbled.

His eyes widened slightly, "I'm sorry can you repeat that again?"

My cheeks flushed. I looked up at him and flinched when I made eye contact with his grey eyes that looked even more intimidating in the dark. "I- uh I forgot to bring clothes...and a towel." My legs bend awkwardly behind the door.

He turns his head swiftly in the opposite direction. His hand goes to his mouth and he exhales deeply. We sat in silence for what felt like eons. I bit my lip, "Victor say something, I'm getting cold." The cool air was starting to nip at my skin.

He glanced back over to me, his eyes flickering up and down the door covering me. "I can go get some clothes for you," he stood to his feet.

"No!" My eyes widened. "Don't leave me here alone, there could be more raccoons running around. I've watched enough criminal minds to know you shouldn't be alone and naked at in the woods." Unless you're starring in the show; Naked and Afraid.

"Well what do you want me to do? You can't walk through the forest butt ass naked, you'll give anyone from a mile away a good scare. Shit, the animals too."

I gasped, "are you saying my body is ugly?" I  placed my hands on my hips. The heavy door started to creak forward and I hurriedly grabbed onto the handle.

"No, I'm saying that anyone with eyes will go blind at the sudden flash," he nodded towards me.

"Oh no, this is bad," I paced in my spot. "Maybe I should just put my old clothes on," I gestured to the back.

He shook his head, "that would defeat the purpose of taking a shower, you have dirt stains on your clothes," he sighed, looking around for possible solutions. "I can give you my hoodie," he peered down at the piece of fabric clinging to his body.

"Isn't your hoodie dirty too?"

"It's cleaner than the previous clothes you were wearing."

I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue. I held my hand out and he immediately took his hoodie off. I took the dark blue item in my hand and mumbled a "thanks" before closing the door.

I stared at the large hoodie in my hands. My skin crawled, I'm really going to have his hoodie over my naked body. A shiver ran through my bones chillingly. I brought the cloth to my nose and inhaled its vanilla and body wash scent.

I jumped at the impatient knock on the door. "Be out in a minute," I called back. I quickly slipped the hoodie on, the hem of it reaching my mid thigh. I squished my thighs together, guess I was going commando.

I gathered my things and stuffed them in my caddy before returning outside. Victor eyed the way his large hoodie fit on me. Victor was almost a foot taller than me so his clothes looked huge on my petite body.

He cleared his throat, " lets go," he let me walk in front of him. We began our journey down the dirt path.

"What time is it?" I scratched the back of my neck. Leaves and twigs crunched under our shoes.

He checked his phone, "eleven o'clock." He blew out a breath of air. "Aniya," he called out.

"Yeah?" I turned on my heel, but apparently that was a mistake.I ended up stumbling on the curve of a tree's root. I started falling backwards, my hands and brain malfunctioned as I tried to decide if I should save myself or cover my goodies.

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