Chapter 51

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In the dark right now
Feelin' lost, but I like it ~ SZA

"Damn kid, you couldn't wait a minute before you started throwing punches," The cop, whose name tag read Tillman, slapped his hat on. He chewed fiercely on his peppermint gum, peering at the tattered house in front of him.

Victor rolled his eyes, tilting his head to the side as the paramedic attended to the last of his cuts and bruises. "Should have gotten here on time," he grumbled darkly.

I pulled the blanket I was given after being checked out, tighter around my body. My head was still fuzzy from Victor telling me he loves me and the whole situation of this all.

Jessie, Fay, and her brother were all taken down to the police station to be put into jail. Their parents had to be called from Japan and book a flight to deal with their kids.

A large warm hand caressed my cheek, grabbing my attention away from my thoughts. "You alright?" His thumb rubbed over the area Jessie's brother slapped me in.

I nodded my head as my eyes roamed over the black and blue patches along his jaw and chest. My heart swelled in guilt, hating to see him in any pain. I never want to see another bruise or cut on his perfect body again.

"Hey," he said softly, I looked up at him again, his dark eyes connecting with mine. Protectiveness and security shone through them, wrapping us into our little bubble. "It's okay. You don't have to worry about a thing, we've caught them."

I brought my gaze down to my thighs, the paramedic now done helping Victor and packing her things. As much as I wanted relief to flow back into my veins it wouldn't.

There's still someone out there who's out to get me. Not only did I fear for my safety but Quinn's and not only that but her heart too. I don't think she can take another misfortune, she's already been through too much.

I did not know what to do. Declan has been a good friend of mine since eighth grade, I'm torn on what to do.

"Aniya, look at me," Victors voice coaxed. "What's wrong, tell me."

"Like you told me about your plan?" I scoffed. I immediately felt bad again when his hand fell and a look of hurt crossed his face.

I grabbed onto his hand, placing it back on my cheek, "I'm sorry, that was wrong of me. I owe so much to you for helping me like that. Thank you." I kissed the inside of his palm. "Really."

Concern fills his eyes again. "What's wrong?"

I bit my lip, gnawing at the decision I was about to make. "Nothing, I'm just a bit shaken up from today," I weakly smiled.

He pulled me to his side, kissing the top of my head. "Well, now you can stay here. With me." He grumbled, resting his head on top of mine.


When we got home around four in the morning, escorted by the police, trust our moms were pissed. They gave Victor a hard time for keeping his plans from us but inevitably broke down in gratitude. I couldn't tell who was more relieved, my mom or Kendall.

They both took turns scolding Victor but thanking him at the same time. Cora clapped Victor on the back, congratulating him on doing something useful for once. Nico held a grin on his face as his ears perked up at the good news.

When we got upstairs I immediately ran into Victor's room not even glancing at my door as we passed by. He flopped down on the edge of his bed, placing his hands over his face.

I closed the door behind us and crawled onto his lap. His hands fell from his face onto my waist, keeping the both of us steady. I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head in the crook of it.

Living with Troubleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن