Chapter 7

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Oh, why, why do I, why do I feel this way? ~ Kehlani

"So, how did it go?"

Quinn walks out of the principal's office with a grin on her oval face. The hall was clear as people were just getting to class. "He said he thought it's was great idea and that he'll have a talk with the school board."

"Alright!" Declan exclaims slinging an arm around her shoulder. The tips of her ears turn red.

"He said it would probably just be a trip for the juniors and seniors," she shrugs her shoulders.

I have no objection to that. It's not like the whole school can afford to transport so many students at the same time anyways. Earth day was on a Friday this year, so we might be able to spend the weekend. That's what always happens whenever students take trips on a Friday. Declan and Quinn walk off leaving Lilly and me behind.

"Do you really think he doesn't know," Lilly runs to me, her eyes trained on the couple walking in front of us. "She makes it so obvious sometimes."

"I don't know, maybe he's just good at acting."

"No, if he knew he wouldn't be so close with her," Lilly crosses her arms.

"True... I got to get to class, though. I'll talk to you later," I wave goodbye as I walk down the hallways to my following class.

I had history after lunch, which was great because I was starving today. I stroll in and feel overwhelmed by the bright colors in the room.

The walls were painted a light blue and artifacts and flags were pinned on the wall. I spot a seat right next to Victor. He was reading a book; not very surprising. His reading level must be through the roof by now!

I hum walking in that direction but I'm too late as a redhead steals my seat. I huff and sit in the seat in front of him.

"Hey, Victor." I overhear her low voice. She was leaning over the side of her desk. You could see her cleavage poking out of her shirt. She has a nice rack. My boobs are probably a cup smaller.

He doesn't say anything, not even a glance.

After I had confessed to him on that day, more girls started gathering the courage to ask out him themselves. I guess after seeing me get rejected they wanted to be the first one he accepted. If that makes any kind of sense?

He never says yes, though. I started to feel bad for the poor girls. Some of them were really pretty.

"Victor," she purrs, her strawberry shoulder length hair bounced on her shoulders a little bit as she moves.

"What," he sighs wearily.

"I was wondering if you would like to meet me at the Bay later on today." I roll my eyes. The "Bay," was just a code way for saying hey why don't you come have sex with me under the bridge at Bay Street. She bites her lip waiting for his answer. I strain my ears to listen.

"I'm good," he casually says. Her face falls and I turn away snickering. I could feel her eyes shooting daggers at the back of my head.

"Hey Hill," she says in a sweet voice. "What's so funny? I wanna laugh."

I turn in my seat sending her a fake smile. "I would tell you, but I don't think you would get it," I snicker some more.

"Aww, that's too bad. But you know what is funny? You getting rejected in front of everybody freshman year."

I stiffen in my seat. Of course she brought that up. I grip the pencil in my hand and try not to yell at her. I turn back around with a sweet smile on my face. "Yea, good thing you didn't get rejected in front of everyone like I did. I mean you still got rejected but at least it was in private." I shrug.

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