Chapter 17

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Esta fiesta va a empezar, nos tenemos que animar, hoy podremos disfrutar, ven a bailar ~ Isa TKM

The crowd went wild as Victor scored the winning goal. Cora and Nico cheered loudly as Victor thrush his hands to the sky in victory. All of his teammates ran up to him, expressing their excitement with pats on the back and jumping up and down.

I blew out a breath of air as I watched the boys tackle each other. My mom clapped, a big smile on her face and Kendall was right beside her, dotting her eyes with tissue.

We all went down the stadium's steps to join him on the field. His hair was drenched and sweat was dripping from his face. He heaved slightly and took his shirt off.

Almost immediately a wave of girly screams were heard. All the girls gushed over his sculptured chest. Even more screams arose as the rest of the team did the same. They aired themselves out and poured water down their faces like they were advertising the water.

I scoffed and held in a laugh at how stupid the other guys looked copying Victor. Of course the boy didn't even have a clue to what was going on because he couldn't have cared less.

Victor stalked towards us and stopped in front of his mom who continually congratulated him and told him how proud she was. Cora and Nico were next in line at his praise.

He thanked them with a smile and I swear I heard a few girls behind me swoon.

"Guys, I heard Victors hosting a party at his house tonight," said a soft feminine voice.

I turned my head slightly and caught glimpse of Jessie gossiping to her girlfriends. Jessie is the soccer teams manager, so it's no suprise she found out about the party. She hangs around those boys all the time so she was bound to hear about it. "Oh my gosh no way," one of her friends squealed. "I'm sending a message out to everyone!"

I hugged my arms, I've only watched high school parties in the movies but never have I experienced one in real life. Will the house get trashed? Will there be alcohol? Are people going to be having sex in my bedroom?

"Aniya, let's go," my mom snapped her fingers in my face. I broke out of my focus and followed her to the car.

"Victor you stink," Cora scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Shut up," was all Victor had to say.

When we got back to the house I was feeling sticky from sitting out in the sun. I took a shower and got dressed in a cute little jumpsuit I got from an online store. The suit revealed my small cleavage perfectly and was loose around the legs.

I went downstairs for my mom, but she wouldn't answer my calls. I tried looking for Kendall and Cora but they were all gone too.

I knocked on Victors door, I sighed out of relief when he opened it. At least someone's home. "Where is everyone?"

His eyes flicked up and down for a split second. I shifted my stance, feeling a little self conscious. "Mom and Katherine went out, and Cora and Nico were dropped at my grandparents," he shrugged.

My jaw slacked, "so she just gave you the whole house and left me here?" I gaped.

"She said you should have fun too and invite your friends, but I won't stop you if you plan to leave too." He closed the door, done with this conversation.

I bit my lip so hard I tasted the metallic taste of blood on my tongue. I thought about inviting my friends over but Quinn isn't feeling well, Declan and Victor have problems, and Lily was out for her parents anniversary.

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