Chapter 18

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She like how I smell, cologne ~ Dababy

I decided to go for it and press my lips onto his but before I could, the door burst open. Alex and I sprung apart, a throbbing headache began to form.

"Get out," Victors low and deep voice rang in my ears. I covered them, sensitive to the sound, "Now!"

Alex groggily picked up his head. "Bro what are you doing in here?" He stood up rubbing his neck.

Victors eyes went ablaze, "doesn't matter what I'm doing in here. I said get out," he gritted his teeth. His jaw ticked again.

I made a move to stand up, which was in fact a bad decision. My knees went weak and my head began to spin.

Both of the boys made a move to help me but I held my own. l pushed their hands away. "Victor, can you just leave us alone," I whined.

He shook his head in disapproval, "I'm not leaving you two alone."

Anger began to crawl up my skin. "Why can't I ever do anything without you ruining it. You're not my father, and you can't tell me what to do or who I'm with. How about you get out!" I raised my voice.

That only angered him further, "how about you stop making stupid decisions. Like bringing an intoxicated guy you barely know up to your room!" He yelled back.

"Shit, I'm intoxicated too what's your point? I don't see you busting down any other girls doors who's keeping company tonight!" I retorted back.

"I don't care about those other girls. Why the fuck do you think I would be in here for if I did!"

We glared at each other, we were both drunk and screaming madness. The air became thick with tension.

"Uh guys?" Alex spoke up tiredly.

Victors eyes cut towards him. "Why are you still here?" His voice came out stern and rough.

I blew out a breath and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm so sorry for putting you into this awkward situation Alex. I think it's best if you just leave," I wrapped my arms around themselves.

Alex nodded in understanding. He threw a curious stare at Victor. Once the door closed I turned my attention back to Victor who still looked pissed. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What!" he said, his voice steady, eyes cold and hard.

"I hate you," I gritted my teeth, a tear daring to slip out. I don't understand why he likes to humiliate me and look like a fool.

He frowned and took a step forward. I stepped backwards tying to get away from him. His intense gaze had me trembling inside and soon my back ended up colliding against the door.

He took another step trapping me in between his arms. My heart thudded loudly in my chest as he brought his face closer to mine with now a smug smirk playing out on his lips.

The room was dark but I could still see the outline of his face, his eyes, his lips.


His alluring cologne graced my senses, but clouded my brain as he inched closer to me. "You sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow, amusement evident in his tone.

I raised my hand to slap him in the face but he caught it. I raised my other one but he caught onto that one too.

"Not this time," he taunted lowly, his eyes flickering up and down.

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