Chapter 15

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I want someone to love me ~ Lil Nas X

"Miss.Hill, can you please see me after class," Mr.Myers said to me in passing my desk. I nodded in understanding and he went back to his desk.

Soon the bell rang and the students began to flow out the room. I gathered my stuff in my hands and walked to the front desk.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked.

He smiled and gestures for me to pull a chair up. I did as he suggested and sat nervously, intertwining my fingers.

"Yes, I wanted to let you know that your grade has improved immensely since last time we met." He showed me the screen and this time a cool 86 sat next to my name. I instantly perked up at the good news.

"I'm glad Mr.Simon was able to help you, if you think you are ready, you no longer need to take lessons from him." He told me.

I nodded my head again and let out a breath. I actually liked studying with Victor, now he has no reason to spend time with me.

Giving Mr.Myers a bright smile I thanked him and left to my next class.

My history class was surprisingly half full. The teacher wasn't even in the classroom yet. I took a seat beside Victor, beating Anne this time.

"Hey Victor," I said to him. He eyed me probably wondering why I was talking to him in school. I mean it's no use the cats already out of the bag.

"My science teacher said you don't have to tutor me anymore, so I guess you're free from ur chores," I half joked.

He just blinked  a few times and nodded his head turning to the board. I felt a faint stab in my chest at Victors nonchalance, I at least expect a sigh of relief or a smirk. Something.

I too turned to the board as the teacher then walked in and then began speaking.

Knock knock.

"Yes," I said to whoever was on the opposite side of the door. Cora walked in flopping herself on my bed. I giggled at her as she laid face down on my bed. "What's up Cora?"

"My stupid boyfriend, he said he wanted to take out on a date!" She huffed.

"Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?"

She shook her head, sitting up on her knees. "I didn't tell anyone but you about him. Mom is going to go all protective mama bear on me and Victor will be right next to her convincing her I shouldn't go."

I tapped my chin thoughtfully, that is difficult. "So what are you going to do, did you tell him if you would go or not?"

"Yes!" She cried. "I really like him Aniya, I don't know what to do," she said burying her face in my bed again.

I rubbed her back as I thought of something helpful to say. "Why don't you just tell her he's a friend?"

"She would want to meet him and then freak out when she realizes we would be alone."

"Why don't you just bring a friend with you then?"

She looked down thinking it over but then perked up and looking at me with hope in her eyes. "Or... you can come with me, you won't have to stay the whole time, he's taking us to the mall."

"I guess I can do that for you we can just tell your mom we're going to the mall and she won't be suspicious." I reasoned.

"That's perfect," Cora clapped her hands. She wrapped her arms around me, "Thank you thank you thank you!"

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