Chapter 42

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If you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot. You call the shots babe. I just wanna be yours ~ Arctic Monkeys

They say the most effective psychological punishment of all is silence. It could make a man go crazy. I wasn't so sure about that until this week. Soon after Elijah's arrival, the laughter and chatter that normally consumes the house died down to a negative 1.

Elijah's presence was different from the last time. He was always on edge. A pencil would snap into two if he got one in between his fingers. Kendall followed him around with a frown on her face. Even Cora, daddy's little girl, felt put off. He would spend his afternoon with a bottle of beer on the couch, staring at the tv.

But nothing compared to the stoic energy radiating off of Victor. The moment his dad entered the house, he locked himself in his room. He wouldn't talk or let anyone in, not even me. It hurt that I couldn't be of any help, but I gave him his space. I made a mental note to check in on him later.

I skipped down the stairs towards the kitchen. My throat dry after waking up from one of my weird dreams again.

"You can't push him around, he's not a kid anymore!" I heard Kendall's voice whisper angrily.

I stopped mid step and held onto the railing. Their voices echoed and bounced off the walls.

"Exactly, he needs to start acting like a man. I need him at my company, he's my only heir." Elijah replied.

"That's not true, you have Cora and Nico. They can take over someday if they would like."

Elijah laughed humorlessly.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact that you think Cora is capable of running my company. She's a girl, Kendall. I need a male heir. Her only focus is on boys and shopping malls. Besides, Nico is too young. I would have to wait another decade for him to take over."

"Eli, I've had it with you. First you try to control my sons life, then you insult your own daughter. Cora is a very intelligent girl. If you paid more attention you would see she's one of the brightest kids in her school.

And if you EVER say anything as sexist like that again you'll be sleeping on the couch whenever you decide to visit." The sounds of her footsteps resounded my way. I took that as my sign to run up the stairs to my room.

I closed the door behind me, huffing. I jumped when a knock was rapped on my door. I turned around, twisting the doorknob to Kendall standing outside.

She wore another frown on her face and stepped in. I closed the door behind her as she took a seat on my bed. She patted the spot beside her, urging me to sit down.

I sat down and surprisingly she laid her head on my shoulder. She sighed, " I know you heard all of that."

I tuned to her, "I'm sorry, I was getting some water and I- I heard you guys talking and-"

"Shh, Aniya. I'm not mad at you, I'm more so ashamed you had to hear that. Victor has a reason for his dislike of his father. I can't blame him, he pushed the boy too hard.

I love my husband, I really do. But I will not let him mess with my baby's life just for his own personal benefits."

My forehead creased, she had knowledge of the situation? I bit my lip, how could she still love him after what he put Victor through? I opened my mouth to say something when a sharp crash was heard from across the room.

Kendall and I scrambled off the bed and rushed to the door. On the opposite side, Elijah stood in Victor's doorway. His skin was pink, steam practically pouring out his ears.

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