Chapter 21

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Cause you're a good girl and you know it ~ Drake

The classroom continued to buzz shortly after Quinn was called to the principal's office. We offered to come with her. She claimed she was good enough to go on her own.

The teacher had asked her to explain why Declan said she was assaulted by one of her soccer players. "Alex's parents were called and they pulled him out of school," Quinn blew out a breath, she was only back to collect her things.

"They were pissed but not even at their own son but at me. Can you believe that? They said I was doing it for attention and that I was lying. Like I would make something up like that!" She exclaimed.

"Mrs.Roman called my parents to pick me up. She told me I could press charges if I wanted." she shrugged her shoulders, obviously drained.

"Are you going to?" Lily asked, twiddling her pencil between her fingers.

"I don't know."

We nodded and hugged her goodbye. She left the classroom once again and it was just me and Lily for the rest of the day. Declan was also sent home due to the fight he started. People kept asking me questions about it but I just ignored them. I truly don't understand why the attention is always on people from my friend group.

When I got home my mom was the first one to greet me. "I heard about Quinn, how is she?" Her and Quinn's mom were close. They always talked whenever something was up with one of us. They called themselves the "double trouble mommas.'

I nodded my head, "she's holding up." My mom hugged me before letting me pass by into the house. "If something like that ever happens to you, don't be afraid to tell me. I'll always be here for you. Know that."

"Thanks mom."

On my way up the stairs Victor was making his way down. We both came to a stop in front of each other. He was slightly taller as he was up the step above mine. Grey eyes pierced my brown ones once again.

I moved out the way to let him pass but on second thought grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned his head to me.

I bit my lip not sure what I was doing, "uhm, I-"

His eyebrows creased as I tried to put words together. "Hmm?" He looked down at my white nails contrasting with his black jacket. We were at eye level now.

"I just wanted to say thank you. For kicking Alex out of my room that night. If you didn't come in at the time you did. I probably would of..." I trailed off, not wanting to even think about what could have happened.

He nods coolly, "No problem." He moved to turn again but I gripped his arm still. He turned back around, raising an eyebrow.

"But, why did you kick him out?"

He looks long at me before fully turning around and leaning on the railing of the stairs. He bit his lip in thought, his eyes looking down.

"I never liked him, he was just so weird. In the locker rooms after practice he would always brag about his newest "bitch" of the week and how he planned to fuck them. He never spoke about girls out of respect, just lust. He even offered to show us all of their nude pics and videos," his nose scrunched as he talked.

I really did dodge a bullet. I lowered my head feeling like an idiot. "Well thanks." I mumbled.

"Aniya," he called to my turned back. "You should be more careful who you drink around. He could of easily taken advantage of you. Knowing you're not used to hard liquor."

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