Chapter 23

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Yeah, I got issues, and one of them is how bad I need you

I blinked my eyes open, sunlight blinding my sight. I sat up in my large bed and rubbed my eyes. The faint sound of a lawnmower flowed in and out my ears.

I groggily got myself situated and slumped down stairs. I need some hot chocolate, now. I took a mug from the cabinet and ripped open a packet.

"Hi Aniya," a chirppy voice rang behind me. I jumped, powdered chocolate going everywhere. I turned around to Jessie sitting at the island's bar.

I took two looks to make sure I was seeing right. Unfortunately she was actually there staring at me, waiting for a response. "What are you doing here?" I rasped. She was sitting all pretty in her seat, her hair down in waves. I tried not to look at myself, for I would feel like shit if I did. I put my hands loosely on my hips waiting for an answer.

"Victor invited me," he then walked in, hands jammed into the pockets of his sweats. Jessie stood up with a polite smile on her face. She passed by me and placed her glass in the sink. I watched as Victor's eyes followed her and back.

I turned around and ripped a paper towel off the roll. "You ready?" I heard her voice beam.

There was a silence that followed with the descending sound of footsteps. I grumbled to myself as I wiped the counter down. She really made me spill my breakfast.

Cora walked in typing on her phone. "Why is Jessie here," she asked, an eyebrow raised. She sat down at the table.

"I have no idea," I replied, tossing the dirty napkin in the trash. I got a new packet out and ripped it open.

"She likes him,  you know," she picked her eyes up. "Can you make me one of those," she pointed to the mug.

I nodded my head and got a second cup out of the cabinet. I made both of our drinks and set one in front of her. "I know, why are you telling me though."

"Because you like him." She concluded. She stirring the mini marshmallows in her mug.

I choked on my warm drink and coughed patting my chest. "I do not like him," I retorted, my face burned from her accusation.

She rolled her eyes, "I've seen the way you guys look at each other. I'm 14 not dumb. Plus I want you guys together. We can finally be sisters for real."

I awed, "you know he doesn't like me. And I did like him once but not anymore." I shook my head, taking a sip.

Her eyes lit up,"if you liked him once then you can just like him again. Those feelings aren't dead yet. Just revive them!"

"Sorry to interrupt but do you have any ice?" Jessie poked her head in the room. Cora scowled and went back on her phone. I got up and opened the bottom part of the fridge where the ice was stored.

"How much do you need," I asked.

"Just like three ice cubes." She held up three fingers.  I scooped them in a plastic baggie and handed it to her. "Thanks."  She walked back out her hair flowing behind her.

"I hate blondes," Cora said once she was gone.

I gasped, "Cora, that's not nice." She shrugged, not really caring.

Who the hell constructed this house? I would like to have a talk as to why the walls are so thin. There is no way I should be hearing Jessie's giggling voice so clearly.

It dawned on me that they were alone in his room doing who knows what. I banged my head on my desk at the thoughts racing through my mind. My stomach churned and I suddenly wasn't feeling too hot.

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