Chapter 5

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I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension. ~ Melanie Martinez

"Hey princess!" Declan sits down beside me. "Whatcha doing?" He scoots closer to me and peers over my shoulder.

I push him back slightly. "Homework and what did I say about calling me that," I playfully glared at him. This was a typical day for us. Victor gave me a practice quiz that was due tonight and I'm just getting to it.

Declan shrugs, taking a big bite out of his apple. The crunchy sound he made every time he took a bite was becoming very irritating. I try to ignore it and continue to write.

"Hey Aniya," he takes another bite. "You never told us where you lived."

I stiffen, almost dropping my pencil. Declan and the girls keep on bringing it up, but I always changed the subject. Victor told me he doesn't want anyone knowing we live together. He already doesn't like me. I don't want to know how he'll react if I do tell people.

A strong breeze strikes past blowing all my papers away. I screech as they fly in all different directions. I gather a few in my hand but one of my papers decides to be naughty and run away from me.

I chase the paper running around lunch tables; bumping into chairs. When the paper finally got tired of its joyride, it landed under a table by someone's feet.


I get down under my knees and crawl under the table. I reach for the paper but accidentally grab someone's shoe. "I'm sorry," I snatch the paper in my hands.

"Must you be so clumsy," I hear a remote voice.

I hum picking my head up. Piercing grey eyes stare down at me from above the table. My heart spikes in my chest. A hint of green swirls in his eyes. I stammer trying to come up with an explanation. "I- I the wind blew my stuff-"

"Aniya!" Declan calls my name. I jump hitting my head on the table. I groan crawling out from under the table. Declan grabs my arm yanking me up and pulling me to his side. He glares at Victor and brings me closer to him.

I rub the top of my head. That hurt like a bitch. Victor stares at him with an equal amount of hatred. His eyes flicker to Declan's hand on my arm. I turn to move, but Declan keeps a tight grip on me.

"Did he do anything to you?" Declan turns to me.

"What? No!" My eyes widened. "Why would he want to do anything to me? Come on let's go." I grab his arm.

"She's right," Victor says. "Why would I waste my time on someone like her."

Declan whirls around his nostrils flaring. "What was that!" Declan shouts, causing a few heads to turn. I look at Bryant who's sitting beside Victor witnessing everything unfold. He tries to say something to him but he brushes it off continuing to provoke Declan.

"You heard me,  or do I need to explain it to you." Victor smirks sitting back in his seat.

I pull on Declan's arm again trying to gain his attention. "Come on Declan he's not worth it. I feel the same way anyways so can we go?" He stays in his spot not bulging a bit. I huff at his stubbornness.

"Oh," Victor says with a mischievous grin. "That's not how you felt two years ago."

I stiffen as memories of that day clouded my memory. It would have been less embarrassing if a quarter of the school wasn't watching. I cross my arms sending him a glare. "Things change," I shrug.

His malicious grin widens as he gets up from his seat and walks closer to me. "You sure about that?" His face was now only a few inches from mine, and I could feel the blood rush up my neck. "I like you, and I would like to get to-"

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