How we often under estimate ourselves.

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I was chatting with a friend about a problem a while ago. He was really helpful and at the end of the conversation he types "I feel like I don't know anything at all" and I'm like "what?!" Dude I'm low key jealous of how good you are at keeping it all together and giving good advice. I was kinda surprised but it made me realize something.

We're all like that. We have God given gifts, talents and even traits which others are dying to have but don't even realize how special we are cause we're just too used to them, you know? Like I write poems all the time, why do people think they're so special anyway?

Often times, we forget how unique we are especially as christians. We were set apart from birth

5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:5

God sent his son to die for us. He wouldn't have done that of we weren't precious and valuable to him.

You're still alive and breathing and even though life isn't perfect, you're still able to read this post. There is absolutely no way you can convince me that you're just mundane and that God doesn't have an awesome purpose for you.

Someone wishes they were as sensitive as you. Someone wants to be able to draw like you can, they keep failing creative arts cause they aren't very artistic. Someone wants to be able to cook, sing, run or even just clean like you. Please don't over look anything you can do really well.

We're all gonna be beginners at some point. Eventually you'll learn all the things you need to learn and grow up. You'll be amazed and happy about how far you've come by God's grace. You don't have to envy other people. If you need something to be grateful for just look inward. Or outward even, the sky looks lovely.

Don't forget that with or without your special abilities God still loves you all the same. He loves you that much. And it's your responsibility to use the gifts (both natural and spiritual) to serve him. Because it's by doing his will you find purpose in life. And in purpose, you find happiness, joy and peace.

If there's anything that goes hand in hand with underestimating yourself it's comparison. The worst part about it is that even when you get what you envy so badly, it won't be enough, you're still going to want more, you're still going to be jealous of someone else.

It's going to be hard to stop underestimating and comparing yourself to others though. It's one of the biggest things I struggle with. For a long time I was taught that if my grades weren't the highest that they didn't mean much. Till now, I still feel intimidated when I meet someone with better study habits than mine. It's a constant battle but I keep fighting it.

Dealing with comparison usually means replacing with something else. You can try contentment (it isn't the easier option) which is basically just being happy with what you have already. God has equipped you with everything he thinks you need and if there is something else He thinks you need, He'll give it to you.

Compassion is another virtue you can use to replace comparison. Instead of comparing your work with someone else's, think about how they might feel about their work. They probably feel the same way as you do, wondering if it's good enough or thinking they might have messed everything up.

You can also get rid of comparison with compliments. Instead of being jealous of someone else's wardrobe tell then how fabulous they look. Celebrate their wins and comfort them when they lose. Appreciate them and treat them the way you wish someone would treat you. It won't always be easy but you'll feel good afterwards.

Remember, that it's a constant battle. It's not just gonna go away (I really wish it were that simple though) But just know that you don't have to have the perfect clothes, body, several talents or even over exert yourself to be enough because you already are regardless of what someone else is. What they are and can do doesn't take anything from you. Learn from them if you can but please remember that you have wonderful traits that you often overlook.

14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it.
Psalms 139:14

I honestly recommend  reading the entire chapter. God bless you ♥️

P.S - You're not alone, so feel free to give suggestions if you have any.

~ Anne :)

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