When God Brings Someone In Your Life

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When God brings someone into your life. They will be someone who will encourage you or even help guide you back to Christ. In times of trouble, this person will bring your focus and trust back to God. Their values are aligned with yours. They will encourage you more in your faith than distract you. Friendships can also be a distraction if we aren't careful. Instead of remaining focused on God, it can bring you further from God by neglecting the word, not praying as you used to etc

The friends I have are people I can trust that if I missed my own quiet time, they would be quick to stop and tell me to go back and spend time with God. These are quality friends that will sharpen you to remain in your walk with God.

Let's pray and ask God to link us with the right friends but also separate us from the wrong ones. Let's ask for God to bring friends that sharpen us, edify us and also that we may serve. Having friendships and relationships isn't just to be served but to serve. That we may love them, be there for them and look after these people God has brought to us as blessings.


Matthew 20:28
28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Proverbs 27:17
17 Iron sharpens iron,
    and one man sharpens another.

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