To Not Be A Saul

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One of my recent prayers was that in our calling and purpose we don't end up like Saul, specifically from the old testament.

Saul started compromising. He was humble, seemed just and had a lot of potential in him but due to his disobedience, fear of man, pride and later consulting the wrong spiritual methods for wisdom. God choose someone else to take the throne. A man after His own heart.

I pray that we become women and men after God's own heart, quick to obey, seeking him first and foremost and walking in humility. I pray that we will be the kind of Godly women and men that God seeks to please God more than man.

Saul's downfall was that he was more concerned with a man than God. God wanted someone who is fully and wholly unto Him.

I often pray and ask God to help me to never go astray from Him, that I don't get so caught up with people that I forget He comes first. That He's opinions and thoughts are always first.

God has showed me many times how I let peoples opinions get to me and lead me astray. That my first response is people rather than to go to Him and many times He would make it clear I can always go to Him and since He knows where I'm going and people don't I should seek His guidance first.

It scares me to think if I didn't pay attention to those little warning and continued listening to seek man first, that just like Saul he could easily pick someone else. Yet, a merciful God he is, he gives me chance after chance.

Because he picked me to be me and to do my mission. He picked you to do your mission. No one else can do it the way you do but it's also up to you if you want to continue in that walk.

I asked on here what are some characteristics of a Virtuous woman you want to have and the average response was:

Patience and Humility.

It's never enough just to desire these characteristics. You have to practice and make it who you are. You can hear the word, God could give you message after message and help you but you have to be willing to a be a do as well.


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