Not One Day Without Talking To Him

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If you like speaking to someone you won't spend one day without talking to them.

The more you speak to someone the stronger a relationship goes. Positive constant communication increases intimacy in any relatonship. The more you talk and listen to someome the more your trust and bond will increase. You'll begin to trust the person. To break a relationship you break communication. That's where distance happens.

Learn that the enemy will have a goal to preventyou from speaking to God. The more time you don't talk to God the more your bond with God will weaken. Other things and people will slowly take God's place in your life. You'll no longer have the close knit connection you had with God.

So I encourage you sis. Guard your relationship with God at all costs. Don't anything destory it. Remember to talk to Him today.

Set aside a time you'll spend time with Him. Think of something simple, easy that you're able to do.


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