Weaned Child

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Something I've learned from Psalm 131 is that one thing that reveals we're growing in spiritual maturity is when we don't just love God when He blesses us but even when He tries and tests us.

Though a weaned child might not be getting that satisfaction of receiving from his mother something that pleases his flesh, he still has the comfort of the mother's presence. Though we might not have always seasons of blessing upon blessing in terms of things bringing us happiness, God's presence will always be there. God remains with us and David learned to be content with just the presence of God. Not the presence of God and money. Not the presence of God and women. Not the presence of God and high status but he became content with God just being there with him. David could quiet his soul, he could hold his peace and rest. With just God's presence his good and satisfied. Everything else is just a blessing but not his heart's joy.


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