How We Can Serve God

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How can we serve God

You serve God by using what He has already given you. This doesn't just have to be a talent or gift but anything you have (that's also very important).

You serve God when you obey your parents. You serve Him when you open the door for someone. You serve Him when you work hard in everything you do. You serve Him by checking up on people. You serve Him by helping the needy. You serve Him by doing the right thing even if you have to do it alone. You serve God when you follow His will. You serve God when you obey what He tells you.

We are all vessels and servants of God.  When you work hard in everything you do, you are serving God. I think we often mistake that we aren't serving God all because we don't have a platform, teaching etc

These are good but it doesn't determine if you truly serving Him or not. God will see you as reliable. He'll know He can use you in any way and in any area.

That person who you opened the door for could have been having a bad day and your gesture gives them hope. Don't underestimate the small things you do for God because He knows if He can trust you with little. He can trust you with much

The issue with our generation is. We want God to trust us with much first. We want to pulpit, the mikes, the likes etc without showing faithfulness with the little we have.

These are nice but you will never be faithful in those things if you are not faithful to the little now. To get to that place you need to have humility and a cheerful heart.

Choose today to be a faithful servant in the little. Help your parents with something. Cheek on someone. Pray for someone or the world. Send someone a video or an encouraging message.

Ask God how He can use you today.


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