The Right Fondation

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The Right Foundation.

The importance of having the right foundation in your faith. The foundation is the basis, intention, motivation, and root of everything. Everything flows from the foundation. Think of a plant, the seed is planted and soon begins to grow roots. Those roots are what will anchor the plant and allow water to enter to help the plant continue to flourish. The plant isn't easily moved because it has a solid root system to help keep it in place. When the word is your Fondation, your anchor and root, you won't be easily shaken by the world and circumstances.

To grow in spiritual maturity, your root grows in stability. Your foundation is laid and solid, without many cracks.

What should be in your foundation?

1) The word of God
The word of God is a certain and solid foundation

2) Prayer Life
Your relationship with God has a foundation of prayer and its fuel is prayer. What makes your relationship with God alive is prayer. It is what gives life. It what make it a living relationship. Every good relationship has solid communication.

3) Good community
You need to be surrounded by people who edify you. You need people who can advise you, help you, assist you, or edify you. You need to be planted in a church. You should have a community or fellow sisters who can help you. Being in relationship with other strong believers will help you learn from their wisdom and experience.

Do you have these as a foundation? If not take time today to pray and ask God to help you have these. Then think of practice ways you can start making these your foundation.

Comment below how you'll make these your foundation that you'll daily work on.


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