The word of God

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The word of God is a pretty big topic actually. But I'll start with what we all know. The Word of God is defined in John 1:1;

"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God."

What we can infer from this verse is that God's word has existed from the beginning of time. It was present during creation in the book of Genesis. In the next part of the verse, we read that "the word was with God." What could that mean?

If you read this chapter and reach verse 14, the identity of the word is revealed to us.

"So, the word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the father's one and only son."

The son being referred to is Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save us from our sins. God exists as a holy trinity. Just as man has a spirit, a soul and a body so also, God exists as God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit. This is why we can say that God created us in his image. The entire trinity has been present since the beginning of time.

The word of God can exist in various forms. God is his word. He stands by it and has kept every promise he has ever made. It's why we can read the bible with so much assurance and faith in our hearts. It's why everything just makes sense whenever you read it. It's why the bible enables us to love Jesus even more every time we read it. The bible is the best book ever written because it is composed by God almighty himself.

Don't forget that the trinity are all different forms of the same God. There really are a lot of interpretations to this verse. Jesus is still God. Just existing in another form, as a son and savior who came to pay our debts. The holy spirit is also God. He is the manifestation of the promise that Jesus gave when he left earth. He told the disciples "I will be with you till the end of age." (Matthew 28:20) The holy spirit is the part/form of God that lives within us. We just have to invite him in.

What I really want to talk about is why we need the word of God. There are so so many reasons and I won't be able to talk about all of them. But there's a specific one that stood out to me and inspired this post.

Lets go down to 2 timothy 3:16 - 17(NLT)

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong with our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

Here, we can see that the word of God is kind of like an instruction manual. It helps us see what we're doing wrong and gives us the right instructions to correct it. It equips us with biblical truths and knowledge so that the devil won't have his way with us. It instills principles in us which enable us to repent from bad habits/ ways and live a godly life.

We also need to look at Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.

Remember that I said God's word exists in several forms. God is his word. The bible is also his word because it's literally made up of his words. God's word can be preached through sermons, you can read about it in spiritual books too. It just goes to show her amazing, supernatural and powerful it really is.

God's word is supposed to be a mirror to every believer, it's why you're encouraged to read it every day. It's like how you check yourself in the mirror before leaving in the morning. And during the day you check it to make sure that your make up looks okay or to see if there are any blemishes on your face. The word of God works the same way in a spiritual sense. We read it so we can see the things that need changing in our lives. Through it, we learn more about who we are as children of God and the behaviors we're supposed to imbibe and drop. The word of God exposes you to you. Through the numerous stories within we're sometimes able to see ourselves in the shoes of biblical characters. Are you hypocritical like the pharisees, do you have little faith like the disciples did during the storm? Through his word, God is able to speak directly to us and teach us to align our way with his. He guides us and protects us like a good father should.

I really hope y'all were able to understand and gain a lot from this post. Feel free to ask me or any of the flourish admins questions. I pray that God continues to help us and fill us with the desire to know more about his word. I pray that his word continues to make a living and powerful impact in all our lives. I pray that we're able to understand God's word when it comes to us, and that he gives us the grace and wisdom needed to correctly interpret and apply these words in our lives.

Thanks, and Take care.

~Anne :)

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