Lord Speak To Me Through Your Word

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Something I also want us to grow in is asking God to speak to us through His word. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us and Jesus tells us how He brings what He said into our remembrance. The Holy Spirit gives us revelation, guidance, instruction, and wisdom through His word.

I pray before I read the word that He speaks to me and helps me to be a better doer and teacher of His word. That God will reveal and give revelation. That God's word will change me, strengthen me, correct me and guide me.

After I've prayed, I try to remember that God is with me as I read. We have the Holy Spirit who is our teacher, His there, His ready to help us understand and He is inside of us. I don't want us to ignore the fact we have someone who is our Helper. I want us to pray to the Holy Spirit to help us because that's what He was sent to do.

John 14:26
26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.


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