Pray Over Your gift

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Pray Over Your gift

1 Peter 4:10-12
10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace

Women of God. What do we do when we have a gift and talent. One day, as I was wondering what to do with a gift God has given me for His glory, my cousin responded by saying I need to pray over my gift. He said with every gift you have, you need to pray over it because your gift will be your success. When God gives you something and if you're in the path He has set for you. You're guaranteed success in that area. Success isn't just money and fame but that His grace will enable you to do what you can never do to do more you could ever imagine. As a personal testimony, as I started praying over Flourish, my writing and other gifts by God's grace God has surprised me. That's how my God's grace I hear testimonies of how a post was what people needed and girls, I want God to use you! I want Him to move in your writing, Flourish didn't grow overnight but at the beginning of Flourish we didn't have much but God has not blessed this ministry with followers, that's not the goal, God has blessed this ministry with His presence without His presence a ministry is truly useless. God's presence is where healing takes place. It's where deliverance takes place and lives are impacted.

So don't worry about not having many comments, I know how that feels but what helped me continue to serve God was the zeal I had to help just one girl. We don't serve numbers, we serve whatever soul God chooses to bring to us or He calls us to go to. It's that one sheep God loves so ABUNDANTLY, it's that silent reader God desires to be saved, it's that person who stumbled on your profile but never commented that needs it. It's that soul that gave their life that maybe you don't even know did. There are so many people who need your gift and if you're so quick to abandon servicing God because of disappointments then you'll miss out on all God was going to use you for. I can't imagine the pain I would feel if I stopped doing Flourish so early on due to challenges and later God showing me what Flourish was going to be. I would break, cry and just repent at His presence because I missed out on the blessing to be a servant of His people and to be used to teach, guide and strengthen His sheep and I don't want that to ever be you. So post, write that song anyway, sing anyway, join that club anyway and pray.

I just felt in my heart to encourage some of you because you use your gits but you're disappointed by numbers and not having much support. Again, I was there too sis but preserve for its not numbers you serve but it God, God wants you to use what He placed in you. Let that be the fuel that will guide you in this journey of being a servant of God.

And so, girls. I want to encourage you to make this your prayer before God today. If you have a gift to write poems, lyrics, books, sing, give wisdom and teach. Maybe it looks like art or crafts, whatever God has placed you. Pray over that gift.

What will that prayer do etty?

It will show God you're humbling yourself. You recognise your gift is not your own. Whatever God gives you is not for yourself sis but you're simply a steward over it. Yes, I know you can make up those tunes to sleep but that voice of yours is for God's glory and for edifying His people. That gift to write poems, posts, Bible studies etc are not for you but to help His people grow.

So if you have a ministry of your own, a book, a gift and talent. Surrender it before God, invite God into your life to be your Lord but your Guide. Ask Him to guide your gift. That is everything you do that you'll be led His spirit, that everything you do will impact people, be what God's people need not just want and also be powerful. Pray also for protection over your gift. Girls we have an enemy who sees our gifts and will fight us so we don't operate in it, do what God has called us to do and be who God has called us to be! Yes, fight us just so we are distracted, discouraged enough not to continue. If we are filled with envy and comparison who can we glorify God with what we have? If we are prideful and think of ourselves above other people's gifts, how can God use us? If we are insecure and don't have confidence, how can we move forward? If the enemy can get us to fall into sin and compromise then how can our gift impact others back to God?

So when you pray, also pray against the attacks of the enemy. Pray that no weapon formed against your gift, calling, destiny and life shall prosper but that God's grace will be a shield of protection over what He has placed in you and who you'll become in Him.

Girls, the same way God has plans for us and our future (Jeremiah 29:11) is the same way the enemy has plans for us. The enemy has plans to get us to fall into sin, to get us to compromise, to get to be filled with discouragement. To kill, steal and destroy us. We shouldn't be passive about our battle as believers but be active by continuously also praying against the kingdom of darkness.

So I want to encourage you my warriors in Christ to pray over your callings, gifts and talents and if you don't know what God has called you to do, don't know your gift and talents then this can be your prayer for today, ask God to make it clear to you who He has called you to be, what He has called you to do. Ask God what gifts He placed inside of you. God might not answer you immediately, it can take months but be faithful in asking Him and as you seek Him with all your heart. You'll find Him

Matthew 7:7-14
Ask, and It Will Be Given
7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

Romans 12:3-18
Gifts of Grace
3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. 4 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.


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